Sampling help.PLEASE!!!!

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Okay so I've been a Reason user for many years and recently started to mess around with Ableton hoping to combine the two.I'm getting more accustomed to Ableton and would like to use it for sampling because I like it's flexibility.I seem to be running into the same problem though.When I import a sample into Live(not a drum loop but a musical sample)I can never seem to get it to match up with the tempo I want to use for the song.I don't know what I'm doing wrong but any advice at all would be much appreciated.To elaborate some let's say I found a 4 bar orchestral sample I like.I know how to slice to midi track and all that,but the sample always plays faster or slower than the song tempo.Even when I warp the sample.I'm at a loss!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
If you have your setting right Warping should be automatic to Live set tempo!

1) What version of Ableton are you using? 2) Which view are you using when you start working with the sample? 3) Under Preferences and the Record Warp Launch tab, what are your settings?


ill o.g.
I can help you out with this also and I think I know exactly what you are trying to do. From what LDB taught me last year mixed with those tricks I figured out in ableton 7 LE/Reason 4 we will have you boom boom baapin like Boon Doc lol. But for real hit me up with a PM. I dont have ableton 7 anymore but I can still hook you up son. Holla!


Ok LDB they are as follows:
1.I'm using Live 8
2.I'm in Arrangement View
3.loop/warp short samples: auto
auto-warp long samples: on
default warp mode: beats
create fades on clip edges: on


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Ok LDB they are as follows:
2.I'm in Arrangement View

There's your problem then. You must learn to use the session view my friend! The arrangement view is like any other DAW. You can't time stretch there. There's only one DAW that I know of where you can time stretch in the arrangement view and that's Logic 9 with there new FLEX feature.

Where Ableton is most creative is in the session view.

Create a new project, set your project tempo, create an audio track then drag that sample into one of the clips slot, hit play on the clip or the project and hear it in sync and in tempo with your project tempo....increase or decrease that tempo and hear that same sample follow suite(time stretch). If you're dealing with samples with various instruments in them you may want to change your default Warp mode to complex. Complex handles multi instrument samples much better. Beat mode is only for drums an percussions! There's another place you can change the mode but you'll have to use the session view and insert your sample in a clip in order to use it.