Remix Mag & Scratch

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I used to subscribe to both but I thought Scratch died and I stopped getting Remix since I never upgraded any software that they now right about. But I enjoyed them both while I had them.

Computer Music is a little better read for me personally. I buy those ever now and again.


The Moose With The Most.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
Scratch has been gone for about two years now I think. It was good at the beginning, but then XXL took over and it ran itself into the ground.

I agree about computer music and also, I read future music too.

Step Soprano

ill o.g.
i read computer music/future music/keyboard mag thats about it. Occasionally EQ


ill o.g.
Computer Music magazine is excellent for all the free samples they include. I must have dozens of gigs of royalty free samples covering all genres of music for all the magazine's that I've bought. At $15 an issue, it's well worth it for these alone. CM focuses mainly on VSTs while FM focuses on hardware. I actually bought the first issue of Scratch and preserved it just in case it may be worth something one day.
Peace \/

DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
I bought the complete collection to Scratch magazine last year.
It featured some good interviews, but each issue holds about 70% ads / 30% articles.

I wouldn't waste the time with it myself, especially compared with the information which can be sourced online. Computer Music was much better.