I did 2 years anger management, and honestly I can say it did me no good, it just kind of pissed me off way more...
I know someone who has been to rehab and it didn't stop the desire for them to do dope, it had to come when they were READY to TAKE CONTROL of their own LIFE.
it is your life after all, keep a positive head and think about things like that.
It all depends on your substance, but everything is substance right? You could eat too much, drink too much, smoke too much shit of any type, or love pussy too much, anyone can be ADDICTED to ANYTHING. All addiction is bad for you mentally, physically, spiritualy... I think anything goes unless YOU LET IT RUN YOUR LIFE... THAT is the only way to be truly free, to FREE YOUR MIND.
And just another POSITIVE message from tha Cr1s1S