recording midi notes into Pro Tools on Mac


ill o.g.
Greetings, I am trying to get some help recording midi notes from my Korg Triton keyboard or EMU SP-1200 drum machine and Akai S5000 into my Power Mac G5 in Pro tools L.E 6.9 using a digi 002 Console . I do have basic knowledge of how midi works and I do have it set up to control the machines to play and record audio thru my computer but I have never recorded the midi notes. I also went online to the digi design sites and pro tools forums to get info but I wasnt successful getting help I did get some info on this website page link
and followed the instructions but it did not work. I would appreciate it alot if a Pro tools midi user that can help me out... Thank you


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
ermmm i mean it shuld b pretty straight forward, obviously connect your midi keyboard out to the digi 002 in, what you might have to do is go in to AMS which is the mac audio/midi setup menu its under utilities if i remember right and you sometimes have make the virtual connections in there to link everything up if you go in there and look round you'll prob see what i mean, its an easy thing to do but kinda hard to explain


ill o.g.
I did do that already, my problem is not that its the midi track itself where its not routed right the cables are connected and also it is set within the pro tools midi settings, its aux audio and midi track and midi is supposed to be routed to pic up the aux track to record whats incoming notes...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
ah rite i see, well yea on the older pro tools, you have to have the midi channel and then rotue the audio to an aux channel, to that just send the out of the midi to say bus 1-2 and then set bus 1-2 as the input on the aux channel, you can't record the audio like this as aux input channels don't have a record function its just so you can hear the audio part of your midi! on the newer pro tools 7 and onwards i think then you can just use an instrument track which does both in one track !


ill o.g.
I finally got it recording midi I appreciate your help alot man.. Happy Holidays I got one question now how will I get reason to play out that midi do i have to imort the midi into reason sequencer or do I just set an audio track with reason and input from aux ? after this Im sure I wont ever have a midi issue again..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
lol kewl glad you got it working im not an expert on linking reason on pro tools and reason i did it once but thats its, i think the only way you can link the two is with reasons re-wire function you have to open up pro tools then open up reason in re-wire slave mode, im not sure exactly but if you search on google for re-wire reason to pro tools you should find it easy enuff !


ill o.g.
I know how to set up reason to work in pro tools thats not my question what im saying is now that i got the midi notes recorded in the pro tools how will I be able to link the midi to a sound or something like sampletank or if its a virtual keyboard plugin where i can hear it playing the midi I recorded in the pro tools using another sound source??


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
o rite ok sorry, right once you've got the midi notes recorded onto a midi track you can of course play them back thru any sound source that can be triggered by midi, midi is just note data and so it doesnt matter what plays them back all you have to do is have your midi channel with you midi data recorded, and load up an aux input channel, then click on the insert tabs at the top of the aux channel and insert a plug in instrument, then send the output of the midi channel to the input of your plug in instrument/aux input channel and there you go you should have playback !


ill o.g.
I will test it out and let you know how it goes, I thank you again for your time and information.