Reason rack question...

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Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
edit > prefences > default template/rack: just put empty.

something like that.


ill o.g.
thanks.... i had reason adapted thats why i couldnt add or take out from the rack...

i upgraded to reason 4 and its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
=] be sure to use the search function to check out some of our reason beatmaking videos in the videos section. Good stuff there.. lol


ill o.g.
cool thanks... i had 2 questions...

1. Is there anyway to adjust the swing of a track on reason??

2. in record mode how do i set it up so it doesnt record till i press a key/pad??


ill o.g.
cool thanks... i had 2 questions...

1. Is there anyway to adjust the swing of a track on reason??

2. in record mode how do i set it up so it doesnt record till i press a key/pad??

You have two choices when it comes to adjusting swing in reason. Before we get to that I will say check out the Operations Manual That Comes With Reason. I know we cant say it ENUFF but it really comes in handy. I still go back to it when I cant figure out the lil things. Also search on youtube about the "Regroove Mixer Reason 4"

First Choice: Is to hit F8 and that will bring up the Tool Window. In the tool window select the Groove Tab and Select a groove cannel A1 is default. Next You would hit the browser button and scroll down to the Regroove Patches folder. In the Regroove Patches folder you will find everything from Programed grooves to Actual MPC Style Swing Settings, As least 50% of them. In reality 55%-75% is the most useful Swing settings. Next you want to go to the transport window and next to the device you want to add your swing to Click on the little drop down box next to the record enable button and select A1 in this case.

Second Choice: Click the button that brings up the Regrove Mixer. In the Regrove mixer you can adjust the Global Shuffle(Swing) or assign a Regroove patch to a bank just as you did in the first example. Once you add a patch to a bank and activate that back on one of your tracks you can go even more ill and Play around with the shuffle and slide knobs and get some pretty ill Swing/shuffle elements.

I hope this helps out fam. Hit me up if you have any more questions.
