Racist Media

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
Man this is a deep topic, but can someone explain to me where stereotyping ends and racism begins?

Because I mean if a white woman sees a young black man in jeans and a hoody and what not then holds her purse tighter i dont believe that is necesarilly racism just an effect of stereotyping.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
Fine. You didn't bind anyone to slavery.

Guess what. I was born in 1981 I still feel the effects of slavery.


You're misunderstanding me. I realize that the affects of slavery are still present today, but I was not around then. I don't try to propagate that shit so stop acting like I should apologize or something. I don't like that part of history either.

Anyways, I'ma try my best to spread love. I hope that in the near future we will all view ourselves as human beings, and not as different.



ill o.g.
Yeah. I have told my friend my views. I've called him out on his shit many times. Called out his whole family multiple times.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
ManDAmyth said:
Yeah. I have told my friend my views. I've called him out on his shit many times. Called out his whole family multiple times.

Oh, word? Well yo, I think you got an issue you on your hands hear that you need to resolve bro.. Stop thinking every white person is agaisnt you because your black, that is not the truth.. We all know about the whole slavery thing and it was definitly the one of if not the worst racial issue ever.. And, not every white person's background was involved in slavery.. I know mine was free from slavery because my Grandparents on both sides of my family were born from immagrints of Sweden and Poland.. So, think before you speak.. Just because my skin is as white as the next man doesn't give you the right to say that I was involved in the slave trade.. Feel me? I know your aggrivated due to that article you posted which I agree is bullshit. But you can't just take that and say every white person is racist and we were all involved with enslavery, that's just speaking to soon man, it's not stupid, t's just that there is not enough thought put into what your saying.. But yo, I think we should tone this thread down.. No one here is racist man, we all love Hip Hop and the Culture...


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
classic said:
Dude, listen man i mean i feel u trust me,ive started plenty of threads on this topic my self

but there is no point argueing bout it on this forum making a big stink about it, i mean we know its out there, no matter how hard u argue some people just aint gonna see ur perspective becasue they dont live the day to day realitites(ive learned that), becasue of that it makes you seem like your winening..... Most folks who dont live it just wont get it... No matter how hard u argue.



i'm surprized this many people gave it so much of their time. It sucks for everyone connected, as far as racism is concerned.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Chrono said:

i'm surprized this many people gave it so much of their time. It sucks for everyone connected, as far as racism is concerned.

I agree man, I don't know Why i went this far, but I'm done man, I'm hittin' up the gym..



ill o.g.
i actually saw this same footage in australia on tv.... worldwide racist media.... shit is fucked !!

mandamynth you saying you haven't come across any whites that aren't racist is racist (and really stupid !!)


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
I totally agree with you that media is angling it all in a fucked up way to blaim the african americans.

Just watch the Micheal Moore ducumentary., There it's all stated. "Bowling for culumbine".

the media angel that african americans commit more crimes then whites and shoot and loot and kill and pillage..
Just watch it. The crime statisctics is down more now then for several years. But how do they angle it. Like it's all gone to hell. And it's not. I can tell you what's gone to hell.. The media in all their power...
It's almost become a 3rd state.. Media rules.

I say, fuck the media. As long as WE few decent people can see thru the mist and sort out the bull and the garbage there's some hope left.
We won't be fooled-

(Sorry bout spelling, I've had a few pints)

a lil sidenote on the fact that "every white person is a rasist" as ManDAmyth wrote .(no salm on you "man") just wanting to make myself clear.

I'm not a rasist in any way. And I can say this for you now. NO man can ever state that I've acted in a fasion or way that could imply this.
I try to treat my fellows as best as I can, wherever their from / WHEREVER

And to this I hold. I just hope we can bridge the gap between us, settle our diffrencies. And by this I only mean the things that make you imply that you've never met any not rasist white person. That is fucked up man. You deserve to meet one.

Just wanted to make myself clear. I'm not in anyway slamming anyone on the fingers or anything like that.

Peace / A


ill o.g.
andreas said:
Just watch the Micheal Moore ducumentary., There it's all stated. "Bowling for culumbine".
I say, fuck the media. As long as WE few decent people can see thru the mist and sort out the bull and the garbage there's some hope left.
We won't be fooled-

You talk about how you can see through the bull-shit while recommending a Michael Moore movie. You should probably look for some new X-ray goggles.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
not everything that moore has created is garbage.. this thread should be closed. it makes people endlessly argue.. we all know it's wrong. and i don't think anyone here is racist.

The Bastard

micael moores a fat slob that tells lies just like anyone else in office.


ill o.g.
Yeah, I'll kill this. Its like talking to a brick wall.

Seems like I should just come to term with the fact that racism will always exist, and the ones that perpetuate it will turn their back on it. As long as it don't effect them.

The Bastard

ManDAmyth said:
Yeah, I'll kill this. Its like talking to a brick wall.

Seems like I should just come to term with the fact that racism will always exist, and the ones that perpetuate it will turn their back on it. As long as it don't effect them.
sounds like you need to do less talking and take a little more action. if u feel so strongly about it why dont u picket outside the media station that aired this, you could get a crowd there, and theyll be white people there too,supporting you


ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
Yeah, I'll kill this. Its like talking to a brick wall.

Seems like I should just come to term with the fact that racism will always exist, and the ones that perpetuate it will turn their back on it. As long as it don't effect them.

Yeah our bad. You have all the answers, we're just too stubborn to take in your wisdom.


ill o.g.
My Apology

I know most of y'all think I'm a stubborn asshole. Still I wanted to apologize.

I realize my stance was wrong, and I went about the problem wrong. I was angry. I'm sick of Black people getting misrepresented constantly. I'm sick of reading books where they have one black character and he's sticking up the main character. I'm tired of reading books where during their discourse at least one character refers to a Black person as a "nigger".

I'm sick of SOME White people looking at me as if I'm filth.

I'm frustrated that no matter what medium, Blacks are looked down upon. Yes, even by ourselves (the uncle tom, sell out).

I was wrong to say or imply that all whites are racist. I apologize to you guys.

I just want to stress that a lot of Black people never come in contact with people like you. So most Blacks are going to be skeptical and assume your are racist. And instead of jumping on them. Realize that it is highly likely that they have never encountered a white person that didn't do or say something fucked up to them. And remember that black person deals with racism everyday ALL DAY> And RACISM is a HUGE problem still in this country.

Once again my apologies. Let the music play.


ill o.g.
Yeah man, no hard feelings. I just disagree with you in many ways on this issue, and it's an issue we're both very passionate about. I'm white but living in Oakland as a kid I caught much flack for that, and I'm serious about my views and ideas. But I don't hold grudges for disagreement on one subject, and it's all love. We all love the music, we all love creativity, we all love our work.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Hey it takes a good deal of courage to say the things that you did and even moreso to give a legitimate appology ----- that shows you got a good soul or karma in my book. I personally appreciate the fact that you said you understand now that ALL whites are not particularly racist, and rightfully said.

Anyways, No worries, water under the bridge.


The Bastard

I Cant Believe This Thread Stayed Open The Whole Way, Thats Kind Of An Accomplishment,fade Do We Get Trophies?
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