fl studio 5 producer edition adobe adution acid pro tools sound forge (best to cut samples)
V Vell Beatmaker ill o.g. Jan 27, 2006 #61 fl studio 5 producer edition adobe adution acid pro tools sound forge (best to cut samples)
wrightboy Formally Finnigan ill o.g. Battle Points: 7 Jan 27, 2006 #62 Cubase, reason, fruity, and audition
M MORFEEUS ILLIEN ill o.g. Jan 27, 2006 #63 Domestic Disturbance Studios Domestic Disturbance Studios studio for Visual Ink Entertainment Sonar 5 PE Protools LE 7 Reason 3.0 Acid Pro 5 Sound Forge 8 Recycle 2.0 Project 5 v2 Magix Audio Cleaning Lab this is not including any plug ins
Domestic Disturbance Studios Domestic Disturbance Studios studio for Visual Ink Entertainment Sonar 5 PE Protools LE 7 Reason 3.0 Acid Pro 5 Sound Forge 8 Recycle 2.0 Project 5 v2 Magix Audio Cleaning Lab this is not including any plug ins
J-ReZyN Soul Slinger ill o.g. Battle Points: 1 Feb 2, 2006 #64 I use FL Studio, Sonar, Wavelab and Rebirth.
2 2001tilinfinity ILLIEN ill o.g. Feb 5, 2006 #65 Reason 2.5, Recycle, Acid Pro 4 u really dont need anything else.
bigdmakintrax BeatKreatoR ill o.g. Battle Points: 123 bthis! Feb 5, 2006 #66 Protools 6.7 for dumping any hardware audio tracks or importing wav multi & multitracking no production for the most part. Fruityloops 6.x producer edition for SW production Reason 3 for SW production Soundforge 8 for quick editing or tweaking.
Protools 6.7 for dumping any hardware audio tracks or importing wav multi & multitracking no production for the most part. Fruityloops 6.x producer edition for SW production Reason 3 for SW production Soundforge 8 for quick editing or tweaking.
joeburnem Beat Enthusiast ill o.g. Battle Points: 100 aotb! Feb 12, 2006 #67 Acid 5 - Track Production Nuendo - Mix & Record
LEJENDERY Da Beast on da Beatz ill o.g. Feb 12, 2006 #70 damn, I haven't read every reply - but looks like I'm the only one that uses Cakewalk (Home Studio)
misscc803 Miss C.C. ill o.g. Feb 13, 2006 #71 Im not big on software but I use Adobe Audition 1.5 wit my Roland VS-1680 they work together hand in hand. ~1~
Im not big on software but I use Adobe Audition 1.5 wit my Roland VS-1680 they work together hand in hand. ~1~
Relic Voice of Illmuzik Radio ill o.g. Battle Points: 83 bthis! Feb 13, 2006 #72 Mostly Protools 6.4 and Har-Bal(which LowLow is tired of me mentioning). I have Fl and Reason and rewire and dont ever use them. In fact I have NO idea HOW to use reason but it looks cool.
Mostly Protools 6.4 and Har-Bal(which LowLow is tired of me mentioning). I have Fl and Reason and rewire and dont ever use them. In fact I have NO idea HOW to use reason but it looks cool.