I have yet to watch the vid, but I have noticed that under the Obama admin you havent seen as much influence on the media even in hollywood or the TV and stuff.
I grew up pretty much with ALOT of jewish influence in comedy and whatnot, media in general, something I didnt notice until I was older.. In general I like the people , I really do , prolly as a result of said influence lol, however its kinda difficult to have a conversation about middle east politics or the fact that we ( the US ) has been at war for MANY years now because of our support for them and they seem to have taken it for granted...
Iono man the whole thng about Jews controling EVERYTHING is kinda P-Noid, but I mean its NOT like they arent into banking and media and stuff and yeah they stick pretty tight...
Iono Ill haveto watch this vid and then come back all P-Noid! lol
I think it could be argued that also the US manipulates media and stuff tho as well.
One thing I will say for Wings when he was here is that he was showing photographs from Isreal that showed a side that NO ONE knew , even jews here in the US.
You start telling people that Isreal has crackheads and shit and they look at you like someone just took the shine off of Heaven...
So Ill watch this at some point but I just thought Id say all that shit first .
Thank you and good night.. Oh I gotta watch this.
The French are cunts, the Germans are inflexible robots , Mexicans like to steal ... of course the Jews are greedy, manipulative basterds Meh !
haha yeah.
Like but for real tho , you cant say to an Israeli that the IDF shouldnt shoot a fuckin unarmed kid or beat them and shit without them flippin out..
Stress what "news" channel or media outlet is this??
Mr "Smith" looks like a white power areon nation type o dude... But Im not disagreeing with the fact they would do that, I mean why not?
We do that all the time.... ITs in their best interests to make the cards fall in their favour, Im not saying that its right , but hell we shouldnt let them do it.
We do this to other countries ALL the time.
All Lobbyists are pretty much evil imo.
When was this and what media outlet is this?
Shit they have "Naked News" which should have broken this story imo, but of course none of this surprises me, none of it.
Its kinda par for the course since waaay back.