On the last point of that... Where's the best place to post a track to get feedback / ideas etc on mixing and getting the sound right (excluding the 'showcase'), don't wanna be posting shit in all some wrong places. Is the lab suitable for such shit?
The thing with the freq analyser etc, if I get it to match, my track always ends up sounding really lacking in the bass/kick area.
Do producers / engineers of hip-hop whack hard limiting on the kick channel or something?
I'm proper skeptical about sampling kicks off mastered tracks, as the kick has already gone through processing/reverb etc, then you're going to go and add more on top of that, i imagined a kick sample could have gone through tonnes of diff verbs by the time it gets to your harddrive...
1) I think the actually correct place to post that would be the showcase section but it gets closed pretty quick, but I'd post it in my own thread, only after more respected members asked you to. (Which could be completely wrong, someone may chime in tho)
As far as the kick, music is perception. The Kick doesnt need to thump, it just needs to thump in context of the rest of the beat. I cant tell you the specifics until you post something.
I dont put any limiting on individual busses, only the master. If you gotta do too much, you have the wrong sound or the wrong tuning, or the wrong Eq or a combination
Mastered kicks can be your best friend, they've already been tightened! Of coausr they are tailored to that track, so it doesnt quite work on just anything. Dont be afraid to steal kicks, unless you've went to the studio and sampled your own, you are, 8/10, sampling a mastered kick, even if its from a kit off the net.