^^^^ Listen to my tracks online, none of them are mastered. I just tried to get the best out of a 16bit soundcard using FL and on occasion Reason. Tracks that get more attention will be balanced and mixed in Cool edit pro 1.2 ( hehe ), those are rendered and mastered into groups, like drums. In those cases I do use T-racks for dynamics and Vintage warmer for eq'ing and a bit of saturation. Eventualy I can alter the high frequencies to get the brilliance from all sounds matching the high frequency range, like really high frequencies that actualy seem to matter, try out PSP mix treble, a good adition to your mastering utilities. Eventualy I dont use normalise to the master but a plug from DSPFX6.0 called Optimizer, which you simply set to 16bit, 44kHz and give it an output level to -0.1dB. It does a miracle on your budget daw hehe.
If I dont use the seperate track rendering I will use these plugins in FL because it really saves time for me, I'm almost used to master while a track is in the making, once the track is finished, it's mastered. And, another tip, though I dont have it, T-racks has released a vst version of T-racks 2.0 ( 24bit version ). If I had it I would heavily abuse the shit out of it, but I dont, so I hardly touch it anymore. I got Vintage Warmer which makes up for it quite wel.
Oke, now check the other tracks, them studio files, no its not hiphop, but that's not really the issue. These arent mastered either, but they were made with hardware in a control room, real studio facility and some tracks were made with logic @ home on a P3 1800 with a simple Audiowerk 2 ( 48kHz ) card. Most tracks have been through the console and but none have had compression, just some on the fly eq' ing.
The monitors used on the hiphop tracks were JBL control-1 and Altec Lansinc PC speakers ( quite loud, but very wrong for reference, just loud hehe ). The studio files were done on Genelec 1031a and Mission speakers.
Now, the point of this post,
1. You can either invest in good gear and re-arrange your habitat into a studio cave
or ....
2. You produce your tracks on your pc only as dry as possible and preferably use a card that enables a minimum transport of 48kHz . That means just normalise every instrument per channel and really do jack shit about mastering or fx, only on pre production you add a fake reverb for you reference. Why ? Because, when people want to use your beats for an album you can master them in the studio on their expenses and where the correct and expensive gear is at hand. Chances are that when you're a big pimpin' producah! you'll be mixin your beats with an engineer in a class A studio on a budget by big pimpin records. Unless you're a gear freak like me, dont bother and just produce and edit your material as dry and clean as possible.
Same goes for them broke mc's spending their money on a U87( no, thats not a german submarine ). That's stupid, mc's should buy a SM58, because if they're contracted they wont ever need their own mic because you record in a good studio with very nice and better mics (U67).
Just practical sense... for all you big pimps... Save the loot.When it's weekend you need money to go out and if you must spend on some top gear ( read "really benificial top notch gear" ) at least then pick the right stuff and looky look into this links ( off topic ).
( especialy their akai page hehe )
prices include shipping