I want to know what you guys would go with in my position. I've been meeting alot of people in st.louis that either rap or make beats. Some of them are very talented, but really are not using theyre talents because they are either broke or don't know what steps to take. I consider myself a driven person and I would like to help some of these people(and at the same time help myself) by seting up a home studio and recording, producing, and possibly promoting. I have taken a few music tech. classes and can record in cubase and pro tools, and would like to start using reason.I've already chosen monitors and a mic. My question is should I go with a soundcard like emu,m-audio,aardvark,etc or get the digi 002. I'm sure questions like this have been beaten to death, and I know that it really doesnt matter what gear you have. If you have talent the you have talent.