Use the channel called "Layer"
You can use that to put sounds on different note...
Here's how it's done....
1- open up all the sounds you want in your drumkit (kick snare hihat bongo conga toms etc...)
2- open a layer (channels/Add one.../Layer)
3- open the layer window
4- select all the sounds that you want in your drumkit (right-click the channel selector LEDs of the sounds you want)
5- in the layer window press "Set children"
Now, if your keyboard is playing the layer, when you press the keys all the sounds are played at the same time on different pitch... sound horrible...
To make sure that you selected every sounds you wanted, click on the "show children" button. All the sounds you chose should be selected (LED lite)
6- To spread the sounds on your keyboard, click on the little arrow pointing down on top of the Layering section of the layer window. Press Split Children.
Now, the notes are splited through the keyboard... and you have your drumkit.
Now, that layer function can be used other ways, so play with it a bit.... I use it all the time.