Pastor Troy: Face Off

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Audio Artistic Slave
ill o.g.
Ok...Class, come on now u got to back me up on this one!

Has anybody here heard Pastor Troy's album "Face Off" (NOT Face Off pt2, the original from 2000)?

Man, this has got to be one of the most balanced Crunk albums ever!
I've had the album since it came out but I've just recently picked it back up after disregarding it as trash 2 years ago. I went back and listened to the album on a more mature listening level then I had when I was in the 12th Grade. And I realized that I never really gave the brother a chance...Troy was really saying some real S*** on that album. When I was younger I never paid much attention to anything other than the beat (and to be honest the production is some pretty steller work) but I think Pastor Troy could have seriously gone somewhere with that style of writting! Pastor Troy is very self aware, and his lyrics may not be the most complicated, but the message is there non the less, and the power in his voice makes the honesty in the lyrics cut u deep in a powerful way. I mean, Pastor Troy is one of the founding fathers of Crunk music, he pioneered the s*** and in the process created something that was rowdy yet organized, thug but yet concious, and club friendly but at the same time something u could sit back and listen to word for word and gain something from it. He ain't no Outkast or Scarface, but hey, as far as crunk is concerned he is the closest thing to actually being profound. I soooo wish those who came after him would have followed in his foot steps instead of ruining a perfectly good style of hip hop music. And I wish Troy wouldn't have gotten so caught up in the buisness cause he could have really done somthing great eventually if he just stayed true to his orignal concept (cause "Universal Soldier" was WAAAAAAAAACK and so was "By Any Means") But I think being dropped from universal was the best thing cause now he is doing his own thing, and while Face Off pt.2 isn't great, it' better that his last two major label efforts.

Bottom Line is I think Pastor Troy in some ways is the Jay-Z or better yet the Nas of Crunk music....Who agrees?????


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I agree, Pastor troy's been getting crunk for a long time! I remember when he had his video for "Big Mouth, Big Talk" not really sure if that's it but he was gettin buck! Pastor Troy always had some good joints, Visa Versa is one of his best in my opinion, even though it ain't crunk...


Man that is a raw ass album... Everyday I wake up and think about all the Hip Hop albums I need to buy that are old classics in my mind and that shit is def on my list... me and my niggas use to bump that album when we was in college and smoking big indo... That shit use to have us riding high...


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
pator troy is tight i hate i missed him live fuckin job, but pastor troy keap it real and shit my fav song he did was vice versa that shit was hard as fuck


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Actually he's in my top 5 of southern rappers...


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
good shit.... people dont know bout that cat,
He basically broke crunk music to the nation (we ready, which is still played to this day)
he was producing and rapping before it became the new fad(kanye) and developed his own style and is a dope producer in his own right.

I also fuck wit his click DSGB (down south georgia boys)

Pastory troy is one of those cats that may not be known to the world, but is welll respected locally, like u said, he speaks some real shit too....
hat cat is crazy too and his live shows are off the chain, i saw him swing from the damn celing at a show and flip into the crowed...he is a crazy fuck

FYI yea i did have that face off album but unfournatly all my CD's were stolen in 01' so its been a mintue since ive heard it. That album was off the chain, we used a number of those songs in our step shows
