Aight so I'm late asf mb on that, but here's my views on it. they're kinda just some unorganized ideas I have, but they somewhat make sense.
on one hand, melodies and sounds and stuff are like words. u can use the same set of words in so many ways and for so many causes, so depending on context, there'll always be a limitless pool of potential books out there, vast majority of them never seeing the light of day. even if the sets of words get similar at times or have the same meaning in short context, they'll still be somewhat original and we'd still enjoy reading them, wouldn't we?
on another, a lot of times we limit our creativity by having the mindset of "I'm making Genre X of music today" before and during work. I say who tf needs a genre, really? my favorite stuff I ever made don't even really fit into a genre and if they do, I sure as shit didn't know what they really were until they were finished. most people don't really like them as much as I do anyway, but those songs are the essence of me and I'll enjoy making them till the day I physically can't.
Continuing on this idea, I think Greatness comes from somewhere like that. when u sacrifice a good bit of ur life on musical expertise and learning instruments and stuff (merely because it doesn't really seem like a "Sacrifice" to u, a lot of the times the hardships are more like a hobby), you will have the ability to maintain a minimum musical quality throughout legit everything. once ur there, you should just start making random shit, experimental shit. whatever u enjoy making man. in that case, since ur not a 17 yo weirdo with the lowest experience, no real expertise, no time and a shit budget, that's where greatness comes from. You'll be able to be YOU without sucking and imo, as long as you love every little itty bit of the work, alllll that greatness is wrapped up right within you.
OR u can just stop making trap.