Old Newb Needs Help With Drum Sequencing

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Hello people, and thanks for having me.

I have been playing music for close to twenty years, and have been involved with the actual production of it for well over ten years.

The number of hours I have logged into various sites, forums, research, trial and error, having some success, and many uncountable failures is in the range of (I'd guess) 20 thousand +.

Having said that- I still consider myself on the newbie scale of music production.

One of the biggest time wasters with no returns for me has been in the realm of digital drum programs.

Here's what I have:

Native Instruments Kore Player(x86 bridged),


7 day free trial of Acoustica Beatcraft.

Reaper is what I use for a DAW.

Now, I can get the Kore Player to open up in my Reaper station, and I can play around with the different sounds and beats it offers.

I can even lay those sounds and beats down along with my recordings of vocals and real instruments.

But I've really gotten nowhere over the past two years of struggling with the ease of use, trying to combine these two programs.

For instance, the digital piano keys Kore uses, which you have to scroll up and down, and click the keys to make it sound, are difficult to remember which key makes which sound.

Another issue is:

I often want to add electronic drum sounds AFTER I have made a studio recording with other live musicians. I still have not figured out a way to line up my drum sequencer with the timing of the live studio recording.

Also: It is very difficult for me, at least, to look at a blank digital pallet, and try to figure out how to get the beat I want by placing the beats in the correct positions.

I've seen tutorials of drum sequencers that allow the user to use their computer keyboard to assign certain keys to certain sounds and pieces of the digital kit,

but I have not seen one tutorial that shows how it can be done while working within the Reaper DAW.

I have read the Reaper Manual several times, and as I look at its contents menu, I'm not seeing any of the menu titles describe the actions I am looking for.

Can someone point me in the right direction, and potentially save me a few thousand hours worth of headache trying to meet some pretty basic needs?

For instance, should I give up on KORE PLAYER, and buy a MIDI keyboard that will allow me to work within reaper adding the beats in real time as I listen to the music?

Thanks for listening!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 22
Unfortunately i can't give you too much advise on your problems as I'm not familiar enough with the software you are using but i do know a good way to layer drum samples over live recorded drums and thats using a plugin such as 'sound replacer'.
It is designed to replace sounds with samples but if you just duplicate the track and the apply you can blend with the original file. It looks at the waveform and then places samples in time with the sounds in the live recording. Look it up for a demo. Its just one of many sound replacing plugins but it works well.