Need tips and some help

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ill o.g.
I know you all were newbies at one point yourselfs i have some equipment at my place but i am not sure how to start exactly i have a mpc1000 some vinyl a turntable with a built in preamp and i have cool edit pro on my pc here is there anything else i need ? I have messed around with cool edit pro various versions of fruityloops and my mpc1000 but really am not sure where to start i wanna get into this seriously any tips would be great thanks and if someone would be willing to teach someone willing to learn would be even better :)


ill o.g.
Well, first I would like to say hi and welcome to the wonderful world of illmisuck.

Ok, I understand you have a MPC 1000, turntable, and cool edit pro(Adobe Audition is what the new version is called, they brought out cool edit pro, and FL. Really, you can do a lot of damage with your setup but you will be limited in many ways. Do you have a keyboard? How are you going to play chords or different instruments. I mean you can hit the pads but it will be hard for you to play chord progression on a MPC. That enless you have a sample cd with chord. Also, you may want to invest in channel mixer if you plan on using yout turn table and computer to record into your MPC. This is if your going to use your MPC as your main sequencer.

YOu turntable output can go to your mixer then that mixer main outs to your MPC. If you had a Keyboard or other outboard gear it would be connected to the mixer. The midi in and out of the out board gear would go to you MPC. The more outboard gear you have, will call for a MIDI interface. 2x2, 4X4, 6x6, and 8x8.

I'm sorry if I sound French to you but this is what it is.


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Your question is very general.

If you're trying to make a beat on the 1000, then do this:
On main screen, set program to DJ Hip set, set tempo to 184, press record and play simultaneously, tap this A2/A6/A2/A2/A6 (in time to the click sound).

After you get past that, start searching this site and the internet in general. You are real lucky to be living in the internet age, some of us actually had to read manuals and figure everything out for ourselves.


ill o.g.
trial and error.
Start everywhere you have'nt.
sample and save bangin drum loops for some basic foundations.
learn that mpc inside and out first.


ill o.g.
invest in some software Reason 3.0 is what i fuck wit until i get a couple of grand to get a triton extreme look at the production video section of this page and go from there, you're not going to be Dr Dre over night there is no one way to do this This "Thing Of Our's"


I know people with mega studios with the ability to produce to the standard of Dre, but churn out a load of shite, and I know kids on the dole (welfare) with an old atari and a s1000 who rip tracks up! It's all about how you use your tools. There is so much free software to do the job, this is what I suggest:


Yep, backup whatever you gotta backup, then reinstall Windows. Do your updates, then disconnect it from all networks. Then only install music software and sound libraries. Ensure you have at least 1GB of RAM. Either have 1 hard drive for system and one for data, or partition your main hard drive for system and data.

If you are serious about doing music, you cannot afford to fanny about when you are in the studio. Treat it like a job. Don't lose interest or get sidetracked by e-mails or looking on the net.


It might take you a year to understand it all, but so what, that's a steep learning curve and you'll learn every day.


You basically only need 2 applications, a sequencer and an audio editor. Audacity is excellent, and free as an editor, and there are many free sequencers around. Google for them. As long as you can get sound into and out of the computer, you'll be fine. If you decide to buy a proper sequencer, make it either Logic, Cubase or Sonar. I use Logic 5.5 on a PC and Logic Pro on a Mac.


Don't waste money on buying unnecessary stuff, like loads of plugins or a bigger monitor for example.Once you have started making beats, it'll flow, and you'll realise what you have to spend out soon enough, and when you do, I suggest buying second hand...loads of people upgrade constantly for no reason...I have a G4 running Logic 4.8.1 also in the studio, it's 8 years old...PERFECT STILL FOR MOST STUFF! I can't run all the latest plugs on it, but so what? Producers like Pete Rock, Diamond D, Paul C all dropped classic material with barebones setups upto 20 years ago!


I use a Dell laptop with all my music stuff on it just for making rough tracks, but really if I didn't want to use anything else, I wouldn't need to. You can create, bounce, master & mixdown all within the digital domain, then send your stuff over the internet without ever leaving your house. You don't NEED anything else!

Your creativity is only as small as your imagination, it is not stopped by your equipment. I was tempted to buy an MPC a while ago, but why bother? I have a MIDI keyboard I use for tapping beats out, and in my opinion it would be a waste of money.

I hope some of this helps, and always search for information as there are shitloads of sites offering free tutorials, and loads of free downloads of sound libraries and the like.

Good luck, whan you done a beat, upload it here!
