
Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
Just curious of how you guys came up with/got your names and the meaning/reasoning behind them.

As right now, I'm bugging out over not having a 'name' to produce with. It's putting huge spanner in the works, as I'm not giving out tracks/realising any etc etc until I have a name I'm happy with. Especially so name can get shouted out on tracks etc so I can get the credit for it in that way etc.

really vexing me up. Cos been way too long now without a name and need one. Not happy with any. And def aint gonna just use my own birth name, thats boring n weak. Need a little gimmick at least.

Help appreciated. Love


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I got mine from my uncle...

When I was still in NY, I came to FL to visit and went out to a club one night with my uncle. We were checking out a group of females and my uncle asked me which chick am I going to go for....I stated that I would take all of them....He then responded with "Man, you're such a sucio, I'm just gonna call you that all night" Name had a nice ring to it....So I stuck with it...


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I got "Ace" from playing football. The coaches were impressed. The Time part has a whole meaning...

"The ticks of Time is music. Time it self is eternal. Time heals all, and will be here long after me and you are gone. Time will out last all problems, people, things, and it marches to its own drums.

I am Ace the time, Time is the title. I'm just a representation of all these things, manifested thru my music, The Time is now"

And there you have it...

2fly is a good working name. but if you arent comfortable, think of something you like or what about music you like and build something off that.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
im about to change my name to "The GM"... i gotta set a different trend here... i mightve said i wasnt gonna change, but "dA Relic" my be history!

da relic

Cause you beats bring in that "bail out" money!?

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 704
Why not use your real name 2 Fly?
That would actually be sorta original.

'cause it's a bit odd, and wouldn't really have the same effect I want.

2fly is a good working name. but if you arent comfortable, think of something you like or what about music you like and build something off that.

I dunno, 2Fly came from Ballin', many people said I was 'too fly' or 'too flashy' etc.

But I don't really like it as a producer name, 1) sounds a bit too old school / breakdancer-esque. 2) People seem to say it 'wrong'. And I don't like the way people say it ( lol )

I had several names I was thinking bout using, but half of them are took, and the rest don't 'sound' right, or capture my 'essence'(wtf) as much as I would like.

Finesse: Reason: Read the definition of it, kinda sums up a lot of how I do things in life.
Problem: Existing people = Lord Finesse, DJ Finesse (in fact, Windows Media Playa changed my tracks album art to DJ Finesse once, wasn't impressed.)

Iron Keys: Reason: People have commented on how I use quite hard pianos/keys in a lot of my tracks. And the whole 'iron' thing is kinda kung fu-like.
Problem: not sure if I like the ring to it, kinda cool though.

Iron Fingers: Reason: same reason as for 'iron keys', but is name of kung fu film.
Problem: Don't really like the way it sounds.

X 9th Prince: Reason: Name of the main villain in the film 'Iron Fingers of Death', and sounds kinda cool (though most of my people thought it sounded too random - as if the rest of my possible names don't)
Problem: Rapper already has that name. Also, possibly sounds like a cat of '9th Wonder'

X Born Invincible: Reason: Name of a kung fu film + sounded cool, had a nice ring.
Problem: name in use.

X Young Wisdom: Reason: always eager for knowledge/wisdom in everything, + sounds quite cool.
Problem: name in use, although might be just some waste breh, as in no one really doing big tings. Also the 'young' part of it I'm not so sure about.

Secret Sword: Reason: kinda like the idea of the name, not sure I can be bothered to try fully explain it right now.
Problem: sounds too geeky/random.

I'm going to have a very similar problem when it comes to chosing a tattoo, hence I'll probably never end up with one ha.

also, a problem with a lot of these names, could sound like I'm biting Wu-Tang Clan for their kung fu film references.



Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Why not mix them and abbreviate? then you have mulitple meaning depending on how you feel on a project

Secret Sword + Iron Keys = "SK" or even "SK cuts" Do you DJ?

Knox Raw

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
I originally go by "Mickey Knox" from "Natural Born Killer" fame, then I figured out how many "Mickey Knox" there are in HipHop. So, I switched my name to "Knox Raw" which pretty much describes my style with production and rapping but, Knottz from VA goes by "Knottz Raw" so now I go by "MKSUPREME" Sort of a play on the Transformer "OMEGA SUPREME" and "Mickey Knox" fused. I also go by "KNOXGALViTheFALLEN" sometimes. My love for Transformers goes deep. LOL!