My ILL Brethren, an update on Cold Truth

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Ok, Ok, i know i'm absent. I've been absent for a loooong time, but you know something? This place is home for me. Sure is. I gotta get back in here a little more, but other communities i will not name just sorta got my attention because they are more diverse in terms of subject matter. Either way, this here is HOME. I love what Fade's done with the place. I love returning and seeing Stress posting up a joint with ras kass. I love seeing a GRIP of names i do not recognize in the least. Happy to see a few google ads up, hopefully Fade is bringing in a little income off this place.

As for me? Well, let me tell you! Honestly half of my absence really is personal. My life, well... hasn't been an easy one and I gotta say, it's been a LONG time since I was in a place as good as i am now mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc... I'm doing GOOD. I'm on the cusp, you know, on my way out of that dark place.

I finally got myself a solid job iwth the county, good starting pay at $12.22 an hour and i'll recieve two raises between now and January that will bring me to $15.62, all in 8 months. Like whoa! I lost my job back in 05 and believe it or not it's been since then since i've had a solid job like this. I've had a couple low paying joints that didn't work out so well, one doing water well drilling that went bad after two months, but i've been jobless for like half of this last five years so uhm... YEAH. This is kind of a big deal. Hell, i get benefits from my first paycheck! It's a great gig with a future I can actually map out.

Oh, and I got a girl, yup, 11 months strong! She's been amazing, i can't even begin to express what she's meant to me getting up and out of my doldrums. She's about to buy a house, I'm moving in, and when I got the feria to do so, I'm proposing. Yup! It's like THAT! Can't wait.

Spiritually, well, I rededicated myself to my faith in God, Christian sect, for those who care. It's weird trying to walk RIGHT. Like, i remember what I was before and while i had my beliefs... I didn't walk that straight and narrow. I guess I'm not there "yet" but it's a world of difference when you know you're walking different. I don't feel like a hypocrite anymore.

Musically? Well, it is what it is. I'm there and I'm not. I have plans for a website to monetize my beats, mostly older tracks to start, but I have a different approach right now and we'll see how that goes... but I haven't been immersed in my music the way I once was.

Lastly, I'm on that web tip for more then music. I have a few sites already created in my mind, I have ways to monetize them that are tried and true, and hopefully I can make those things work. We'll see, won't we?

Anyhow, I have posted up so much of the drama of my life throughout the years, I also wanted to share the upswing I'm on. I can't say I'll be here like I once was, though who knows... I just wanted to drop a line, let my friends know I'm still breathing, what I'm doing, say what's up, and let y'all know I haven't forgotten about you! Ill for life!

Peace and Blessings.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Thats whats good Truth, your story sounds a lot like mine bro, and I haven't stopped growing yet. The spiritual part is really what saved me but thats a story for a different time and place. Anyway, you sound good, you sound like you've got a plan and you've got inspiration to keep pushing forward. Thats what it is all about, congrads on the better job and I know that good things are coming your way. Keep ya head up and NEVER stop grinding.

Always Sincere,


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
TRUTH!! Wuts good partna! Man, i was just thinkin of you actually bout a week ago....
Congrats on your new baby girl, thats awesome bro....and congrats on finding some new positivity in life, that shit is instrumental in feeling confident with where your path is taking you.

When u got some new joints, lemme hear some man! Welcome back.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Welcome back! I'm glad to hear you're doing much better now, sometimes you have to go through some bullshit before you can finally experience some goodness in life. Congrats!


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Nice to see ya back Cold, good to hear that things are improving for ya. Keep rising!
Good to see you still around, and Im glad things are turning good for you.
Ive had a hard life at times, so I can appreciate where you are coming from.
The bad times make us appreciate the good times more, and make us stronger spiritually and emotionally too. Good to see you planning to settle down.
Good luck with the new job, I started a new job on wednesday.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Always good to hear someone's life turning for the better! Congrats!


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Always good to hear from you fam. Glad things are looking up


ill o.g.
ah, nother name poppin back up. got used to seeing only a lil group of people actually keepin up and posting on here. even though i aint hardly postin much i read quite a bit for shits and giggles. always good to know another musical soul is back in the arena. congrats on your new found life, look forward to associating with yet another member of ill.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
wowser, thanks for the responses. good to know the love is reciprocated. today is the last day at the current "job", if you want to call it that lol. then i got the rest of the week to do whatever. i'll be in contact with some of you guys, we got some catchin up to do!

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Relic, Vice is doing ok..

he ain't making beats right now, might not pick it back up again either.

he's had some personal setbacks family wise that i won't get into detail on, but he's had a lot on his plate the last couple months. he rejoined a church and just kinda got things back on track from that standpoint, and that's taking up a considerable amount of his time.

dj excellence, i'm warming up a little lol... still kind of a prick but i'm working on that.

stress, i forgot all about that mic! you still have that?