mpc question

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ill o.g.
yeah these questions are annoying as fuck and i have gone through the manual and everything, the only person i knew who used an mp moved away from me. i'm tryin to learn how to take a drum loop or sample, chop a kick or whatever out and assign it to a pad using the trim or zone or whatever your supposed to use. this would be on the 2000xl by the way. i'm sure you're annoyed by this point but i tried.


Equality 7-2521

no offence dude but if you cant work that out maybe your not cut out to use the mpc even though its a very simple piece of equipment


put your sample onto disk and load the sample into the mpc.
then press the pad you want the sample to go on and click DO IT

then go to the trim screen and highlight the section you want to keep. the go to EDIT and DELETE

dude you have to read the manual. and if you dont understand it, read it again

and the best place for advice on mpcs is


Wax Mangler
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
mr messenger, no disrespect intended, but i thought that's what this site is supposed to be all about? helping each other out?..... the instruction manual sucks balls, you should know that


to isolate a certain sound , like a kick , here's what i do:

first hit shift+trim and then scroll to find your sample
then hit the zone button (F3)
use the arrows to the "Zone: 1"
click open window
on number of zones, use the dial to change it from 16 to 1
then click "do it" (F5)
back on the zone screen...
at the top right corner, change the "play:all" to "play:zone"
then use the jog dial to move the start and end points to where the kick is..
hit "play x" to listen
if you are happy with the sound.. hit "edit" it should say 'slice sound' leave it like that
end margin:30; create new program "no"
click "do it"

search for your new sound .. it should be all the way to the right on the trim screen where the file name is

i know this seems like a lot, but it really isn't .. do it a couple times and you'll get used to it and get faster.

making drum loops: there's two ways that i know of, to do them.. i'll just list the most basic way..
** 2 bar drum loop **
after u decide which loop you want to use, clean it up in the trim mode (using the one zone technique, you want good start and end points, nice and clean)
then assign it to a pad shift+program, drum 1, hit a pad, scroll to note.. it'll say sound:eek:ff.. change the off part to the name of ur loop
then hit "main screen"
use sequence one..
hit step (f1)
now the upper right corner should say "001.01.00"
press ur drum pad.. u should hear your drum loop play once
then hit "main screen"
hit "play start"
your drum loop probably wont make sense on the first try.. too fast or too slow..
look for J:120.0 (SEQ)
use the jog dial to change 120.0 down to around 90 (while the loop is playing)
then u have an idea if ur loop is close
adjust up or down accordingly til the loop is smooth (while the loop is playing)
that's it.

** i highly suggest u just make your own drum pattern tho.. just cut up all the sounds: snare, kick, highhat, etc.. (using the technique above for now.. cuz u can actually slice from 1 to 16 segments, but just do the stuff up top for now til u get used to it) ..... and program ur own drums

hope this helps, later.


ill o.g.
Yea classic thats how I do. Chop and tweak my ish using recycle, save it as a wav on cd-rom and load it on the mpc.


Wax Mangler
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
ya classic i do that sometimes.. but knowing how to do it directly on ur mpc comes in handy when you go on vacation and u take ur mpc with you (my girl wanted to chop off my head because i brought it by the way LOL)..

Equality 7-2521

Originally posted by HCTarks
mr messenger, no disrespect intended, but i thought that's what this site is supposed to be all about? helping each other out?..... the instruction manual sucks balls, you should know that

for sure this site is about helping out. thats why i told him what to do.
but i disagree that the manual sucks ass. most poeple that use the mpc concider it to be very easy to use and that the manunal is usually the best place to go for the simple things.

but as i said, ill help if someone did look in the manual first. if they have a manual and didnt look then i wont help. thats alazyness and it cloggs up the forums

feel me?