you know, all of those ideas from you guys sounds great...but we can't even get members to sign up for themed you really think there will be a lot of members interested in the ideas of mixing competitions....i'm not by no means hating on anyone but we've had the last theme of just making a beat at 120bpms and a few people had problems with that...there were some who didn't even have 120bpms and still submitted their beats it might can work with mixing contest...but i definitely think that the idea JodiKurtis had about team battles would be dope...because you still will have to improve your editing and mixing skills...and to @ArvanArmani, yes you do need mixing skills to be hired as a producer for a major label or just making beats independantly you have to know how to use a mixing board, because track seperation is the key to better sounding tracks..but keep brainstorming guys..i like it