midi sync

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All right check this out, I have a mo phatt rack synth, korg triton, roland 5050, all sequenced through a mpc 2000xl. I also bought a digi 001 thinking it would sync up all these things so when i pressed play on the mpc it would record on pro tools, but i have been unable to figure this out.. please help me out... thanks


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

I don't know what Pro Tools is capable of doing, but I'm sure that it can sync to something called MTC (MIDI Time Code).

1. Set up the the MPC to transmit MTC as the master.
2. Set up Pro Tools to receive MTC as the slave.
3. Connect a MIDI cable from the MPC MIDI out and plug it into the MIDI in on your computer...I don't know if the Digi001 has a MIDI port, if it doesn't you will have to buy a MIDI interface to install onto your computer.
4. Hit play on the MPC.

When you hit play, the MPC will send MTC down the MIDI cable and into Pro Tools. The MTC essentially says, "Hi, I'm a sequencer and I'm sending some timing messages so that we work together at the same speed".

When Pro Tools hears the MTC from the MIDI cable, it says, "Hi, I'm Pro Tools and I can hear the timing messages you're sending me, let's work together at the same speed".

If everything is set up correctly, Pro Tools should start recording audio from the audio inputs of the Digi001...

If this is too much of a pain, you could simply just hit record in Pro Tools, then play on the MPC and record it freely...one of the benefits of an editor like Pro Tools is that you can graphically move the audio tracks around so that they line up.

Feel free to ask of you have any more questions,



ill o.g.
let me just jump in. i have a related question.

is the same stuff also possible with fruityloops and cooledit?
i use fruityloops to trigger my my outboard sampler and it gets tricky if i want to export every sample as a single track. For recording my sampler´s audio it gets difficult due to the timing etc. @ fruityloops.com I read that EZ Editor is capable of doing so - does anyone know if CoolEdit can do that?