Mbox Concerns!!!!!!!!

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ill o.g.
i'm about to purchase pro tools with the mbox1 or 2. being that some of you all have more experience, which would be the better buy?


ill o.g.
YOO..fuck the mbox that shyt is wack..if u can get pro tools m powered wit a new soundcard its way better


ill o.g.
i bought pro tools a long time ago and honestly the difference between the mbox 1, mbox2 and i think its called the mbox 2 pro is very insuggnificant. i started with the mbox 1 then traded in to the the mbox 2. the biggest difference is the preamps used for recording that you would plug your mic into. the mbox 1 uses a lowend "focusrite" preamp when the mbox 2 is just some shit outta the closet digidesign amp. however if your looking it at it that way the focusrite preamp involved in the mbox 1 has a minor warmer sound to it and its almost unhearable.
if you considder that digidesign has a tade opperunity every few years it best just to get whats latest. Even still im not how you would acquire an mbox 1 other then second hand and if price is an issue then definatly mgo with the mbox 1 and in anycase when you get some more money you can just turn it in to get a better one.

as for m powered... the m-audio version of protools, its kinda rediculas to go that route and buy a better sound card if 1.) your not a dj or own turntables or any serious components that you would considder recording into protools. 2.) have a budget and are unsure about what your really buying into 3.) like i said before dont really know what your buying into but if you ever want to sell it the mbox is a well known name that pretty much anyone in music will buy for a reasonable price 4.) want other digidesign products like the 002 or 003 in the future. all m audio products are nice but digidesign is definatly reasonable when it comes to delivering a quality product for a quality price.

also a plus if for $around 700 to 800 dollars canadian you can get all that in 1 package(mbox 2 pro)

i hope this helps. i had the same issue and had to do some serious research to find my answers way back when.