So who's in this? Who's got the nerves to even say..."I got this". Who will stand up, poke there chest out and be confident enough know their beat can't be beaten? Who is 'that dude'? Tell me, who's got what it takes?
If i remember to sign up i'm gonna be some nice comp for you. I meant to sign up last two time but been so busy i didn't make the sign ups. Also ppl don't be voting that much tho'. more ppl need to vote like fade said... SO VOTE PPL.
@dac I think I might have something for ya. I mean i'm not saying it's bomb, but when y'all choose your beats to enter...chose em like there the red or blue wire, cause it's gonna be hard to defuse this joint.
hahaha, thats what I'm talking about...but...I'm sitting this one out. I've been too busy with 50 other things to even put something worthy in. I've got my stash but I'm sitting on them for something else. Good luck though, unless a miracle happens, I'll probably be on the bench this round.
So who's in this? Who's got the nerves to even say..."I got this". Who will stand up, poke there chest out and be confident enough know their beat can't be beaten? Who is 'that dude'? Tell me, who's got what it takes?
that would be me haha, nah jk i wasnt even expecting as good as results as im getting, i made a few beats after i made that one that blew this one away so i was expecting to just watch me not get votes haha. thanks everyone, and dope beats from all.