Learn to create R&B sounding chords

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One of the hardest things for most producers in getting R&B sounding chords, without sampling loops.
The theory may seem a little complex at first but the trick is to move away from your comfort zone and use chords outside the fixed scale. Invert chords, switch Major to Minor etc.
Here is an example of R&B type chords - Note the first Db maj7 is inverted - gives it that depth

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 700
Yeah i started making some R&B recently and I've found myself having to "invent"* chords to get those lush vibes.

*semi intelligently create chords that i think i know what they are, but may actually be a different chord; such as not being sure if I'm playing a kinda 9th or sus2 etc

I find using just normal triads or inversions isn't often enough, 7th chords work but risk getting a bit samey after a while so yu have to get clever with them as well. And space the chords.
I used to do the same when I made R&B a long time ago. Because I only know basic music theory I would conceptualise the harmony inmy head, and then try and voice it out. I used to love the chords you get in 90's swing, like Teddy Riley, or a classic Neptunes middle eight progression.
Also the chords in that video also sound very R&B because its played through a rhodes.