late flip

Dusty B

Battle Points: 38
Drums are great. I don't mind the compressed snare, though maybe a hair of reverb or delay would put a bow on it. I don't mind the repeating chords either, but agree with Kane that it could benefit from a change, even bringing in another layer or something. I liked how the beat changed at ~1:35 too and I think that could be expanded out a bit for another verse, or even change ups in the verses. Overall I like it!
That vocal rolling in is dope 'its the kool krush'. I like this and the piano but feel the piano would benefit from a little added 'flavour' as mentioned by Kane. I'm not here or there with the snare, 2nd listen it fits to the beat nice with or without the reverb but I personally would add a little for character. Change up is nice also, good work.