Just graduated from Full Sail!!

  • warzone (feb 25-mar 1) signup begins in...
ill o.g.
yo thats real dope man! im only 15 right now but i already started saving up for an education past a highschool diploma...i plan on going to SAE or Fullsail. i know i dont know you but i still wish you the best of luck and hopefully everything will work out for you.
btw how you like Fullsail? how much did you have to pay & was it worth the money?


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
I loved Full Sail. The tuition for recording arts was $35,000 a year ago when I enrolled, but has since gone up to closer to $40,000. I thought it was well worth the tuition, but like anything you're gonna get back what you put into it. A lot of students go to the school, and don't put all that much effort into their studies. I can promise you if you go, and apply yourself, and work your ass off, it will pay off a lot more than if you slack off and skip class which is what a lot of students do. Think about it, some of the labs, if you do the math are about $300 for a few hours.

Between Full Sail and SAE, both are very reputable schools so whichever you decide on will be a great choice I'm sure. SAE actually just recently bought out the company AMS Neve so I'm almost positive you'll have plenty of access to Neve consoles which are amazing. Full Sail uses SSL 9000 J's, and Amek 9098i's, both great boards. We also just got 6 Digidesign ICON's which are pretty cool too.


Beat Architects !
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 49
congratulations dawg, its these situations which inspire people like us to keep hustlin' and keep on grindin'

hope the internship goes well and you get a permanent job outta it

ill o.g.
djswivel said:
I loved Full Sail. The tuition for recording arts was $35,000 a year ago when I enrolled, but has since gone up to closer to $40,000.
damn thats a lot of money!!! i guess i gotta quit buying vinyl now...howd you afford it?


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
had to take the bullet and just go for it....music is my dream, and full sail IMO was the best school to fulfil that dream. I can't put a price on that...I had some scholarship funds, and my mom helped me out, and I had a bunch of money saved up from working since I was about 14....so, it all worked out well
ill o.g.
djswivel said:
had to take the bullet and just go for it....music is my dream, and full sail IMO was the best school to fulfil that dream. I can't put a price on that...I had some scholarship funds, and my mom helped me out, and I had a bunch of money saved up from working since I was about 14....so, it all worked out well
oh...well im glad you got in but i dont think ill ever be able to afford that...:( damn this shyt just ruined my day...i really had my heart set on going to some kind of college too...well i guess i could use this as some kinda motivation or something...


ill o.g.
if you know your dedication is strong and you aren't gonna just flake student loans are worth it..... i'm in australia (education is cheaper here) but i'm going to canberra in a coupla years time to do a digital arts course (in music with electives in orchestration, synthesis, acoustics, musicology, and also digital video/image editing) and that shit is gonna hit my pocket hard and mean i have less income for about 5 years (i'm gonna work part-time and continue doing freelance type work in music) and then longer if i do a post-grad in acoustics at sydney (which will give me alot more job opportunities)

the grind is long and hard but it is also a hard industry to enter depending on where you want to go.


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
^^^^^^ exactly....This is not an easy industry to break into, and its definately a dream killer at times. Sometimes I'll wake up and just be real frustrated with things, but then I think to myself, shit, at least I'm not waiting tables or working in an office building waiting for friday. That may be for some people, but not me...Look at it this way, there are lots of obstacles, but think about it, if you dont even give it a shot at overcoming those obstacles, then you never had a hope to begin with....things wont just fall in your lap, sacrifices need to be made....but it will pay off in the long run, believe that!