just got mpd32......gay

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ill o.g.
ok i just got a mpd32 and i have no clue how to set the pads to play sounds, im gonna use fruity loops i guess unless theres a better program you can tell me, can someone please help me im extremely pissed right now, ive been trying for 2 hours to get this bitch to work but nothing, i at least just want to assign sounds to the pads tonight, i'l get into more advanced stuff later, can anyone help me? thanks

i just got the mpd32 i have 0 experience with a mpd or any midi, this is where i am,

-i plugged it in

i have no clue what to do, ive been trying to get this thing to work for 3 hours, all i want to know for now is, how do i set a sound to each pad, i cant find anything on the net at all, its so confusing, i dont even have a pre set for fl for this thing, please help me, i feel like i just wasted money because i cant even use it...


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I'll be getting the 32 soon but right now I have the 24. Here's a review I wrote:

I haven't used FL with it but I use Guru instead and it works perfectly! The MPD has a Guru Pads preset so it fits nicely.

Turn to the Guru preset and Enter, then open Guru and start loading samples onto the pads in Guru, then you should be able to play the corresponding pads on the MPD. Check the Guru forums as well:

I think at this point your only issue is just the software, not the MPD itself. Figure out Guru and you'll be good to go. :biggrin2:


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5

congrats on the buy!

try to refrain from posting multiple threads about your situation. Good luck. I would check out the Webpage for possible driver installation to work with FL

I know there is one for Reason and it sets everything up with the installation.

good luck!

john yardie

I thought you set it to the mpc2500 setting in mpd24. it might be the same in the 32. you might have to use the layer function to assign it to different notes on the keys. i don't have one so i don't know. i'm just guessing.

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
i just got the mpd32 i have 0 experience with a mpd or any midi, this is where i am,

-i plugged it in

My dude, you've got to learn what MIDI is all about. Do you have midi cables setup? Is your computer setup capable of receiving midi input signals? If it's not, then you wont be able to use your mpd until you have a midi controller installed and working on your computer and with the proper midi cables hooked up.

If you do have a midi access on your computer, set the output of your mpd to the input of your computer. In FL, under the options tab, select midi. Make sure your midi controller is selected as the default midi source under the "Input" box. Now you'll have midi access. Then you'll have to research how to program the pads at that point which I suggest you do on your own. You'll get familiar with a few more resources for your mpd if you do.


ill o.g.
u gotta go to the mpd icon and ull see the mpd on the screen and i had to rename the numbers or letters w.e it is so that each played on the pads i wanted rather than scattered


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Ok here's the answer load the fpc then have your sample/percussion in the fl browser then drag the sample into the fpc after that if your using fl 8 on the right or left u should see the the key number eg c4 then click on that and scroll to your far left and u will see learn hit that then hit anyone of your pads and that pad will be assigned to that sample

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
i havent used fl in a while. but cant you right click on a instrument then go to assign to controller then hit that pad. if you just want to get it setup and running. then get deeper into saving all your presets later