Hmm, in a way i dont consider it a slower workflow, i have the 2kxl in thru mode between outboard and logic and i could control everything midi with just the mpc dial, simple, fast and intuitive.
The effort part is making libraries in advance, disregarding the itb approach, the only difference there is when the track is done its need to print into logic.
People like chopshop, its not so hard to figure out why and thats why machine is so popular.
Yet all the phrase sampling i do is done by hand. Always done it that way and i'd say that 95% of the time its done when im not making a track.
If i want to chopshop whilst or starting a new project then i'd use flex mode in logic or fl slicer something, works just as fast imo.
On occasion ill fire up recycle to cut up a drumloop fast, rex format for daw or import the files + midi to mpceditor.
All in all, you barely spend a lot of time doing any of these steps in your workflow.