still chopping by hand most of time since soundforge 4.5 lol
I dont think theres an outspoken rule whether or not using 2 or more daws is overkill. I think it really depends what youre using each daw for aside from the outcome that would differ with each daw. I can do everything in each daw, but, for example, logic is mostly the endgame daw for me because the whole studio runs logic. So when it comes to mixing/mastering that would be logical to use. When im in there and i start a track, its in logic whether i use hardware sequencers like the mpc or just logic itb.
At home i just fire up fl and sometimes logic, theres no appearant reason why i use flstudio, since ive been using other means just as long. Sure i like the stretch/fix function and the sample properties interface but logic flex tool and stretching audio is just as convenient.
In the end you have to be rational because for most of us, each daw can do the same even though the outcome maybe different (one isnt guaranteed better than the other). For each daw you can achieve the swift workflow when you know the software well. I dabbled a bit with rewire, not a fan, it made things possible but at the cost of my workflow as i like to keep things simple so if i can do it in one daw, its a winner.
MPC + ASR is not hard to figure, mpc sequencer wins, asr converters wins (what does suck is you have to keep check on disks for each machine for each song but scsi could fix that, but not for emu's different file system).