that's interesting answering considering that nas has a track called "you can't kill me"
yeh cos u cant kill wats already dead ;p
that's interesting answering considering that nas has a track called "you can't kill me"
its not dead, it's just evolving into different genres.
lol,they play this on the radio? tell me they dont play this on the radio dog, tell me they dont play it on the radio,tell me this is a spoof
fuck u i keep the sticker on sumtimethats because the younger hip hop generation are all followers. For instance,,,,stickers showing the size of ya big ass head on fitted caps. Take dem fuckin things off ya idiots. These kids see that shit in a video and now everybody does that...seriously, why? Because its gold? Shiney? Morons,,everybody gotta like what everyone else likes,,,,,,
then hip hop is deadMost popular song in NYC for the past couple of months
what would be classified as snap music?is that chicken noodle song snap music?im in tampa now and all they play is snap music. whats funny is no matter how shitty the song is. they rockin it like its the shit. its every song too. not every few either
Damn Bastard ...must be nice to NOT know what snap music is, Its bout all we get down here...
Think of "Lean with it Rock with it"
what would be classified as snap music?is that chicken noodle song snap music?
so its another form of crunk?
huh? what? I dont get it... picture please...For instance,,,,stickers showing the size of ya big ass head on fitted caps. Take dem fuckin things off ya idiots.
evolving,,into what?!?! Shit?
I'm saying that music changes and so does the generations who listens to them. Some may like the music that's out and some may not. Today's music is the new generations of classics for the young'ns. I love music and I can't hate on that. Although some songs might be ridiculously bad that you and I might not even play it at home or in the car, but in the clubs, its a whole different story.. Some music are made to enjoy, and some music are just made to make people dance. That's my 2 genres on it.
Oh one more thing. I know muthafuckas who's like, "Yo that chicken noodle soup joint is WACK!!" But yo, when I spin that shit at the clubs, the same muthafuckas who said that be dancing and singing to it. The environment changes, the music changes, and so does the person.
nas is dead
hip hop is (it jus is)
chiken & noodle soup is my vote