I think it would be dope if there was an Illmuzik irc channel. Whenever my pc is on, im on irc constantly anyway. If someone would invest the effort in getting an eggdrop + maybe bnc or something like that, Id be willing to do the rest to get everything started. (maintain the eggdrop etc). With a bnc the eggdrop would stay in the channel as an operator 24/7, this will ensure that nothing nasty happens (channel takeover or w/e) and that inappropriate clients entering the channel are kicked/banned etc. I would also be willing to put up a tutorial on the site explaining how people can get into the channel.
I knew ive said id do things before, but ive very recently had a major milestone at school, leavign me with more time, motivation and confidence to do stuff like this. So again, all im asking is for someone to arrange en eggdrop + bnc. Prolly never gonna happen but hey, i figured if you dont shoot you'll always miss!