Father Timeless
Has the internet taken over as the premier destination for music? If not how much further do we have to go?
I ask because one of Atom Cruz's post sparked an idea. If music up until know was made for radio then the loudness war was a bit of a neccesity. But, if music was destined for the internet wouldnt it eliminate the need for absurd compression? no? well wouldnt there be a chance for levels to be standardized and allowed opportunity for music to breathe normally/ more naturally?
Does anyone have any links to some numbers to show where music destinations are now?
Just some thoughts
I ask because one of Atom Cruz's post sparked an idea. If music up until know was made for radio then the loudness war was a bit of a neccesity. But, if music was destined for the internet wouldnt it eliminate the need for absurd compression? no? well wouldnt there be a chance for levels to be standardized and allowed opportunity for music to breathe normally/ more naturally?
Does anyone have any links to some numbers to show where music destinations are now?
Just some thoughts