Question 2 - in order to understand a character and to give him/her the depth and feeling of being a real person with real emotions, you have to look at the parents, as we all know that due to conditioning and the way we are brought up will bring out different characteristics and manerisms, and a different view of life...
so ill start this one off - George (the father) born on Feb 29th 1940, born in London during the blitz. Obvioulsly times where hard when he was a baby/toddler as his father died in 1945 due to a troop carrying ship being scuppered on unseen rocks on the edge of French seas in the English channel. Because of this George has an animosity towards organised militia due to the "mistake" the navy made in regards to his father. He didnt take well to authority at school and got in with other "disenchanted" youths, and set about trying to defraud the newly set up English welfare State, set up by Atlee at the end of the war. He and his cronies get caught and because of the situation at the time were jdetained for 3 years without charge. His gang was convicted for 7years,(because of the state of the economy at the time the crime was commited) His son visited him throughout this period, where his father told him not to respect or get leaned on, by "the powers that be" He was released from prison early after 1 year, due to time already served, in 1961. George then went on to a petty form of street grifting, and began drinking, turning away from fraud, and more to petty crime. He continued this until about 1967, when he made a big mistake and killed a policeman in an armed robbery. He went down for life, and got shanked inside in 1975. and died.
Henrietta (mother) - born the day Georges father died, henry was from a young age brought up to fight her corner as time was rough. She spent her childhood on the streets, due to a lack of money, but was exceptionally bright. Her cleverness was seen by George, who seduced her and won her over. She basically laudered the money george made, through a flower shop. When george went down, she carried on the business on her own. But wothout geroge behind, it she got walked over by the big boys, and got run out of london, and took her son with her to leeds in 1968, where she lived on benfits, and money stolen from georges accounts, till 1975 when she too died, on the same day as george, shot whilst walking her dog, in Meanwood Park.
These are his parents, from this anyone got any ideas about him....
use this info to help form our hero....