Screw lunch - this is too easy - I'll post now and get it out of the way for the day:
You have a problem that a lot of companies bringing forth a new product have. How do you create buzz for that product or event? I am going to take this from what I believe is your point of you rather than saying something like “save up and hire a good PR firm - just call up Edelman.” That won't work, due to your lack of paper or wish to keep the project low budget.
Thus, you have to approach this from the aspect of being an advertising company. An ad company with little marketing experience (I assume.)
Your marketing strategy should encompass a low-cost/highest efficiency campaign.
- Publicity stunts/Public relations as “news”
You hate something that is local in your area that a lot of people hate. This could be an eyesore, or something that most of the populace would identify with but yet would give you credibility. For example, you can latch onto said eyesore, problem in your city or some bullshit/or real “cause.” Create a website against said thing, distribute stickers (low cost) that look cool and attach your music to said cause.
The cause will be a good thing to create PR because it is intrinsically a controversial issue. Then you will be associated with it. The local beat print/TV reporter in your area who rewrites press releases and then “reports” it as truth will latch on to this pre-packaged small media event, and you will gain publicity. Make sure to brand yourself with your site on signs, whatever, in order to gain maximum exposure. Like:
“Rappers angry with rampant violence by crackheads in St. Alban's Park create coalition to change their neighborhood. Called the St. Alban's Park project, Ash Holmz - a local producer and rapper says that crackhead violence is hurting the local business and is a potential harm to area's kids. Let's go to Victoria Dominguez-Wilson live at St. Alban's Park.
Thanks Jane, I'm here with Ash Holmz, local rapper... blah blah blah – thanks Ash, for more information, please visit his website at (check legal issues with lawyer).
This will last 1 to 2 media cycles. Also, please keep your actions legal.
You can think of something weird, like a fake statue or something that grabs the attention of a lot of people in a LEGAL place which is viewable by a lot of people. DO NOT associate yourself with it – people will question it but will not immediately say “oh this is just some bullshit publicity stunt” (which it is).
This is repeated somewhere else- again and again, followed by a press release to local media “exposing” the situation. If you're in a small market, local reporters are lazy as hell and will follow up on this and literally rewrite your press release and report it. This will work for 1 to 2 news cycles. Remember to have your name and group said – if possible have it mean something (i.e. “cause” or some shit). KEEP ALL THIS SHIT LEGAL. DO NOT GET ARRESTED – THAT IS COUNTERINTUITIVE. IF YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, ASK A LAWYER.
What I have just wrote were two successful/low cost marketing campaigns for products. A DJ also did shit like bought an old tank – painted it some weird color – and then had it LEGALLY moved outside the venue were he was spinning. Media immediately covered it and ate that shit up.
Look, most of the sheep going to their 9 to 5 jobs that you reach lead miserable lives. They hate their work, hate being shackled to a mortgage and their bossy wives. They generally escape these miserable existences watching a sport of their choice while consuming large amounts of alcohol or going somewhere for the weekend. If you present something to them through the media as “news” that is weird and different – then it will be something they are interested in because, basically their lives suck.
Use Google for more info on publicity stunts. KEEP IT LEGAL.
Be creative, keep it legal, and think about – how would an advertising agency or guerrilla marketing firm hustle your product? Can you create controversy (that is legal) and then capitalize on it. Kanye vs. 50 Cent was a great stunt – but that's a stunt played in a different sandbox.
You need to write press releases that coincide with the events. Thus, you need to be able to write good releases – or enough to get the point across.
I'm too old/lazy to do shit like what I said but remember to KEEP THE SHIT LEGAL - DO NOT BREAK ANY LAWS. You have to differentiate yourself from EVERY OTHER RAPPER that thinks they're the shit and has an “album” and owns an MPC-17000000, made a beat and used GarageBand or FruityLoops to record themselves. How many are there? Thousands upon thousands upon thousands. How do you positively differentiate yourself from the herd?
Think different. (Apple said that first, but it's a good idea.)
Also, when you say “film score” - let's be honest – what type of film is it? But keep grindin' - I like your hustle and attitude. If you don't take risks, you don't get ahead. Just take calculated risks, not stupid ones. And believe in luck. Good luck actually exists. You just gotta make it.
I'll think of other things, but this is all I could think of in a short period of time.