I logged 25+ hours of beatmaking this weekend

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Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
I think you are forcing, you maybe don't get what we mean by "forcing". Forcing is when you tell yourself: alright, now i'm staying awake until 5 am, and I HAVE TO COME UP WITH SOMETHING, that's forcing. Like Jay-z said, it has to come naturally. You might make a "good" beat if you tell your self this, but your best material will happen when you don't even realise you're making a beat.

I say that, cuz it's what it is for me. I check my 5 best beats, most of the time, i was just there on the keyboard, loading some sound, playing this that, then "oh, let's put a drum, let's put this , that" then after 40 mins that looked like 10, i'm like: woahh, what the fuck, how i came up with that. That's why now, i don't get crazy when it's been 2 weeks i haven,t come up with anything. Before, i use to get mad, when i was trying to making a certain piano riff, but couldn't make it sound the way i wanted, now i stay patient, and move to another idea. And never tell yourself: damn, maybe if i would've continued that i wouldN,t come up with a classic, cuz i say there's 7987414657986498794987987498498498 classic beat idea "floating in the air", so what the big deal if you missed one out of ALL THAT.

Keep it up, you make great, really really great music, just let it come to you instead of running after it, cuz when i listen to your beat, your composing feels so effortless and natural.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
well... thing is i sat there like always. i played like always. i looked for chord progressions like always. i let drum lines play, i let pianos loop and strings flow from the board. i just didnt care for any of it.

the reason i sepnt so much time wasnt because i was determined to come up with something then and there; its because i am determined to discipline myself. the same way i am planning on at least 30 minutes of straight up freestyle playing every day from here on out (yeah thats not much time i know but its a start). its about learning how to focus and create intuitively..... on demand.

i know that goes against everything i usually stand for.... but i think its worth trying to develop. i dont know how to explain that though..... but for real..... i want greatness.... i want to be a legend... not cause i crave the status but the personal satisfaction of achieving that goal..i want to create great music... .timeless music.... i got dreams much bigger then hip hop....

you read about the greats of anything..... boxing... football.....basketball....music....ANYTHING...politicians....gamers.... writers...poets.... ANYTHING.... serious, pick anything.... the greats at all of them, they were disciplined.... they ate, slept, shit their craft..... now im not trying to kill myself doing this..... but i've hinged my hopes and dreams on this, this is the heart of what i want for my life.... i dont want to be mr 35 year old 20 year maker still trying to get on...... and no offense to those who fit the profile...

but to me.... its about establishing that discipline.... this make a beat when im in the mood phase.... eh... im done with it.... i plan on sittin their even when im not... for a while...

maybe im crazy.... but i think the results will show themselves in time...

by the way, thanks to all who complimented/appreciate my work.... much appreciated...


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
I dont know if you can compare a beatmaker with an athlete...

I guess what you want to acheive is to be able to do a beat whenever you want and tru practice and hard work, you want to better yourself. I guess that could be done, but then, is it really necessary? If it works for you, that would be great! But I wouldn't do it. I guess it's too much to ask for me... (not the bettering myself part... the beats-on-the-fly part)

It's not like I'll have to perform and make beats on a stage (even if that would be fucking sick... imagine a guy on a stage, making the beats on the fly, in a concert... that would be dope, specially if the beats are banging...) But I'm guessing that this would probably be the only reason I'd want to do that myself.

To be, to better myself, I work on my beats at least once a day for at least 30 minutes (but it can go to 2 or 3 hours, with breaks and all)... consistency and discipline, but not the same way that you want to do it... I also read a lot about effects and I'm trying to learn about music theory... which is real hard without a teacher. But that's what I do.

Anyways, do you thing Cold. and if you succeed, maybe you'll really become a legend, who knows...


ill o.g.
I can relate to the things cold truth is saying even though I aint looking to make a career out of music.

I have a theory that sometimes having alot of knowledge about techniques, equipment and being up on production boards can lead to info overload and have a negative impact on beatmaking.

I say this cos I found that in the past when i was less knowledgeable about various aspeact of production techniques and engineering/equipment and such I used to do alot more more beats.

but on the other hand it may be that now my ear is more developed ive become more critical of each sound which slows the process down in addition I delete more tracks then i keep.

hmmm u know what i dont think my theory stands anymore, lol

but I still say there is something about getting too intellectual about making music that hinders ur ability to create.

but anyhow cold u should read a book called Mastery by George Leonard, lemme give u sum lil quotes of the shit he on:

"to take the master's journey you have to practice diligently, striving to hone your skills, to attain new levels of competence. But while doing so and this is the inexorable fact of the journey you have to be willing to spend most of your time on a plateau, to keep practicing even when you seem to be getting nowhere. "

"but you practice primarily for the sake of the practice itself. Rather than being fustrated while on the plateau, you learn to appreciate and enjoy it just as much as you do the upward surges."


ill o.g.
i get that shit all the time.....work, work, work and nothing comes out of it.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
25 hours and no beat, that must be a world record or something. you should think of quittin this game cos maybe it just aint meant for you and it almost looks like you aint even enjoying it. Why should listeners enjoy something that only gets you frustrated. Stop it.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
rigormortis has a good point, i think you should stop making beats and even forget your a beatmaker. Once you can do that than the pressure will be gone and you'll get sucked back into making bomb beats. i'm not that great of a musican but i do know that you can not force creativity or passion, if you try you will start breaking shit in your house, frustrated, and never be happy with yourself. If you quit and the passion of making hiphop beats doesn't bring you back then you should look into other musical genres like the old classical composers [music theory] that you can play on your keyboard. or just say fuck music and buy the next generation gaming system coming out later this year. either way Cold Truth i hope this you work this out. you can't change people and relationships in the way that you cannot force your own passion.


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
RigorMortis said:
25 hours and no beat, that must be a world record or something. you should think of quittin this game cos maybe it just aint meant for you and it almost looks like you aint even enjoying it. Why should listeners enjoy something that only gets you frustrated. Stop it.

uh... im assuming this is a joke?

i enjoy this same as i did the first day i started. its not so much pressure as much as i simply set high marks for myself. everyone goes through slumps. everyone.

me personally, when i post a "blocked" type thread, it aint that i'm looking for solutions or anything, i'm simply venting my frustration. .

maybe im not the best but..... and i say this humbly.... most people who have heard a fair amount of my material would certainly say that i more then belong in this game. aint no reason to quit.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
you are trying to force something that you cant force, just like a man cant force a woman to fall in love with him, this needs to come from both sides, the sooner you admit, the better.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
right, i just cant make beats at all, what am i thinking..... apparantly all these beats ive been making the last three years were all flukes and i've just ran out of juice and have nothing else to create.
are you really seeing what you are writing here? its called a "slump" for a reason, though you apparantly have a hard time getting that concept. everyone has a slump. everyone has down periods. sorry but you are sorely out of place in your opinion in this matter..... you talk like im some newbie who just cant get it after years of trying. no, i am talking abuot a slump. i go through slumps and i go through periods where everytime i sit at the keys im golden. .


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
hehehehe, i almost think you are newbie, for not recognizing my humor...
i was just mindfuckin you son
but you tend to make a tragedy out of these frustations, post them up a lot and make it seem like you are really forcing yourself to get in this industry, maybe you should try to enjoy the process more then the result, cos when you are only focussed on result it will be a downfall on the creativity/process and will end up in bad results... at least in my opinion..
on the other hand 25 hours with no results is a big ass slump...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
^^6welli thought you were clowning but the second one had me kinda... wtf? anyhow, you got me nice....

i post these up cause i deal with things easier taht way, when i write about something, when i talk about it, ok maybe it seems overdramatied and all but thats how i get my frustration out and dealt with...

i am not trying to force myself into anything, but i post about my expereinces with this..... i posted about my run ins with the capitol rep, i'll post about my next few run ins with industry types....i post abour how badly i want this, how i feel i need to be better then the next dude, how i feel i need to do "X" to get to "Y"... i figure a few cats can back me up here, im sure big d knows where i am coming from, he expressed that he's been throu similar situations...

to me its good to bring these things up.... cause i'm talking frokm the standpoint of, well yeah i put in a lot of time and got nowhere, but im not looking at it as a waste in hindsight cause its about instilling that discipline in myself... people work out when the dont feel like working out, i feel like i should be able to sit at my board and make beats even though i dont "feel it"... cause art is like anything else, you get getter with practice, even if you dont see results in that moment...

for instance, last night i noticed that i learned a new scale and a few new chords from my 25 hour experience..... well that can be used stiill, and i learned it from just tapping aimlessly at different combinations, which i wouldnt have done had i been in full on beatmaking mode... i found myself playing a lot of new tones that i hadnt had before and i am starting to develop them....

that said, again maybe these posts/rants/vents seem a little overdramatic (yeah i think so myself) i also think they can be benificial.... basically, i learned somethings i didnt even realize i learned.

that said, i have a few good skeletons down now...

once again, you got me good thuogh.... nice one.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
yeah to each his ways word to that, i usually talk about shit like that with fellow producers/friends so no need for me to vent it as quick on the boards. and one thing is for sure slumps suck!
but maybe if you are in a slump you should create some diversion/inspiration.
to me a good horror movie or a dark sinister movie gets me pumped to make some sick shit, watch a movie, read something, listen to some music, hang out with some friends, go to a concert and afterwards hit the beatmachine. so before you start your session create some thing to draw energy from...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Cold, your biggest enemy can be self...LOL not the naysayers, not the critics or anyone else when it comes to your work........its hard to create uninspired.......also you know something else I change my setup around moving everything to another side of the room sometimes.....or just rearrange........I mean a 6 hour listening marathon devoted to various music might be of better use than sitting there trying to pound out a concept that just isn't there........you would be surprised at what just walking away for a few hours or days can do.......but the biggest help you need though is feedback from other people, good or bad, hopefully more good than bad my quest was to find cats that have placed songs and make that the circle I like to have and take anything from them that I can (advice, samples, connections, techniques because they have done what I aspire, to place songs on projects and start being successful with the music I make)........if you are in a slump just start thinking outside of the beats.........shit go hook up with some other producers and listen to their stuff man........politic about your next mixtape......get some of your favorite instrumentals and vibe off that..............when in a slump......get inspired or leave the lab and expose yourself to other music.....works for me.

Steel Side

ill o.g.
Word Cold. I feel you. I'm goin through the same thing right now. Alot of shit goin on. I sit down to create, but it just don't happen. I think it comes wit the job man. Patience is a virtue.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
I'm knew to this and haven't got one of those beat making blocks, but you should try and dropping everything for a couple days and go and listen to some other people's beats, watch the news, take a trip, or do anything that'll give you inspiration cuz when I went on a college tour about a week ago we went to NYC and looking from the outside of the city at night was amazing man. All those lights and everything, inspired to create a beat about that. Another way of tryna get around the block is to just make beats with a soul ya know? just let loose on those keys. That's basically what I do when I create a beat. Might not work for you, but it's worth a try.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 38
Aight damn you Cold! ever since i saw this thread ive been on a damn slump! you're bad luck man! hahahaha! jp man. but i am in a slump though...
ill o.g.
don't worry about it dude, thats the main thing if u did 5 tracks last week that were good u are in good shape, I think the worst thing u can let happen is let this get to you, I don't see it as being bad at all that u went 25 hours with nothing dope thats ok it shows to me u have high standards of what u want ur beats to sound like. Beats really have to come out naturally and if ur sittin there tellin urself "i'm gunna make a DOPE WOW BEAT" I think thats taking the wrong approach. Personally i've found that u really can't have any standards or expectations at all to what ur making cuz that just filters off the creative flow. You cannot trip about somthing like this because the more u trip the more u gunna suck at makin beats cuz ur gunna put to much pressure on yourself. and I see u said that this is such a rare occurence to you to go that long of a period coming away with nothing, u gotta get used to that, thats everyone dude i've gone weeks without making a dope beat u cna't just expect to always b tha shit. just remember that every beat u do will make u better no matter how wack it is u learn somthin new in every thing u create
