@ dp, no probs lol. yeah, worked for them bastards..not opening that can of misery.
@ dac.
-> fact; smallest latency achievable on a daw is on osx with an ssl setup(madi) @ 0.9ms - 24/192. Recording wise, mac is the way to go but but they're still screwing up loads of code on either osx/logic.
Their pro line of products is also not what it should be, at least their not getting the most out of it if i match benchmarks from my mbp3,1 to the macpro 8 core recording 32 inputs (running a heavy environment).
So far ive seen;
-"Disk Slow" messages followed by white noise bursts @ -18dbfs due to improper coding in osx/core audio. Thats completly retarded seeing that on a mac pro 8core 2.26Ghz/12Gb/4Tb having good hardware inside (im assuming it is good hardware).
ow yeah...white noise burst @ -18dbfs can cause hearing damage or a heart attack as a result of it or destroy your nearfields. To clarify it a bit more, it means noise at peak level from whatever your monitoring from (near- or farfields or headphones, as in, the headphones that band you'd be recording are using). That's serious stuff.
Dont run osx audio from your audio interface whilst running your daw. i.e. Run logic and safari or itunes as the core engine has trouble processing those streams triggering this. This is not the solution though, as this error should never be possible, ever. Whatever it is they done, our old environment, equally as heavy did perfectly fine on a G4 running older version of logic. Logic's environment capabilities has always been rock solid, part of Logic's awesomeness...
-Idiot like cpu spikes while clicking somewhere on empty background in logic (runing our environment).
-Logic now has a default saving path for your projects that you cannot change, even though they recommend streaming/reading to a seperate disk aside from system disk. You can solve this by making aliases but how well this goes with Logic being dependend on spotlight i have no clue, but its not really clever nor efficient.
Another retarded fact, did you know that when recording you only use 1!!! core. You could have a gazillion cores and the latest Pro kit update and see one core in the cpu monitor go ape. This is logical though since they cant write code yet to sync the cores in order to use multicore recording... still looks stupid though.
Anyway, this mostly concerns professional recording, if you're making just beats and recording just one track for vocal takes you probably wont run into it. For us its issues with logic, but the issues are with other daw on osx too, even in final cut. We've sent our environment to Enterprises@Apple and it crashed all their mac pro's in the lab. But..just post production on my mbp, never had any issues ever! lol and considering most of you here are not running their own recording studio, osx is still prefered above the rest if talking performance.