I found the slavemasters that owned my ancestors


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
your roots

Im big into my roots, and for the past couple of years i have been trying to peace toghter my family tree. Its very hard to track blacks from the south cause they didn’t keep good records, so its taken awhile.

But i tracked down the origins of my great great great grandfather named Anderson Covington....

He was owned by the Malloy family IN Richmond county, North Carolina, He was a carpenter and they bought him for $100 bucks in 1851. I track all this info threw census info, court house records and marriage certificates

That’s some sh*t aint it....

Its important to know your rooots



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Classic thats good shit! or well thats bad ....I had an aunt who did that about 7 years ago for a family reunion, she was able to trace mostly everything from court records and other public records in Virginia, my family didn't fall to far from the beginnings in this country either, my ancestors slaveowners and also my family last name was given to us from the germans and brought their slaves into virginia and mostly all of my roots are within a 60-100 mile radius of DC since the 1700's most of my family outside of the area left from this area and either went to NY, Texas and Miami in the last 40 years or so though, also this might seem unbelievable to some not all slaves were treated as slaves some were more like servants, they had their own quarters and led lives more like migrant workers in some instances, nonetheless to hold human property under any circumstance against their will is slavery....I am happy that you found your beginnings in this country man !


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
heavy shit....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
wow i dont know what to say, on the one hand congratulations, you been able to find anything deeper than that?? Like where he was from originally??

On the other hand its like damn the value of a person in those days was $100?? i know it'd be worth more than that back then, but even still thats just crazy that people were valued so low.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
yea man its sad
but somewhat statisfying, im luckyier then most. Sense he was a craftsman they kept better track of him.....then other types of slaves... Im gonna try to go back futher but the trail seems to end wit him.. Ideally i would like to find my african link(first generation) but i would probolly have to go back to the 1700's and thats probolly not gonna happen.

Yea D your right alot were treated like servents, sense my g3 grandad was a craftsman he most likely was treated differnt then field hands,probolly a lil more educated too... BUt still shit makes you think....

i aint salty or nothing but it damn sure makes you think, 1852 wasent that long ago in reltive terms. THis has been a long search and he was the only realtive i had any luck tracking.... I urge all folks to try and find their roots, its crazy what you learn...


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
very true, slavery and hardcore discrimination arent that old,,, these have been part of very recent history...
it is good you are looking into these things it will give you insight in today and tomorrow.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
There are lots of differnt ways you can go about it depending on your background...

If your sure that your folks are the decendends of slaves the best bet is to track then using the cenus, marrige and birth certifcates, and courthouses(for property) its fairly accurate and consitant. If you have a common name you can use siblings names to make sure you identifly the right decendent, there are numrious websites out there to get you started.

This site
was pretty much my guide book threw the whole process, its a great way to get started...
Usually Its easy as hell to track your ancestors in the states becasue of documents and records. ITs usually only hard for blacks or native americans and immgrants for obvious reasons....


ill o.g.
Congratulations dude.

classic said:
Its important to know your rooots



ill o.g.
J Rilla said:

The burden of proof is on the person who made the claim.

FOr a sense of self, you cant possible know where your going if you dont know who you are....

Man, this is something I just do not agree with. Who you are is determined by your convictions, your character and what you do, not who your great grandparents were. We as humans have free will and are born tabula rasa, from there we become who we are by our surrounding influences and primarily the thoughts we have. I don't see how learning about my ancestors could give me a sense of self, other than a sense of their selfs, which to me is the same as learning about a person in history class, other than the added interest of knowing that if not for them I would not be here.

Also respect, my great great grandfather anderson struggled hard for me to be where im at, today the least i can do is learn the cats name and pass it down to my kids...

Alright, fair enough. It seems you're interested in it, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just not something I am interested in doing, and I don't agree that it's important, just more of a hobby that you might have.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
classic said:
my great great great grandfather named Anderson Covington....

that's wierd my last name is Anderson. But very few slaves were taught trades like carpentry, blacksmithig, an reading because the owners were afraid of uprisings; many slave states had a larger slave majority than property owning whites. I think it's good that your researching this because it's important to retrace your families struggle into freedom. Many family lines died out throughout the 17-1800's, I consider anyone or race that survived that to be hero's. o-a-ksavage: To know your roots is to appreciate the struggle that your ancestors made, to appreciate it is to recogonize the pain they went through so it is never forgotten. I'm not sayin remember it to be upset an shit but too understand that your are a decendent of a hero who's pain and strife is responsible for your exsistence now. It's important because it would give you a new perspective in your own life, that's sayin you care about it. Many people in the African American community do not have the luxery or time to research their history, I think it's up to everyone like Classic, who care about important issues, to help their community empower themselves and find the King within them all.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
MAN I dont know what tip your on, But what are humans without history??? Who you are in some part is determined by your history. Of course what you do as aperson comes down to you as an indiduval,

ur saying that all the stuff the people have done before you to YOU get where YOU are at today dont matter????

Thats not only crazy, i think thats disrespecful

How can you be a producer and not appericate history,
we do the same damn thing when we dig for records,


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
o-a-ksavage said:
The burden of proof is on the person who made the claim.

Man, this is something I just do not agree with. Who you are is determined by your convictions, your character and what you do, not who your great grandparents were. We as humans have free will and are born tabula rasa, from there we become who we are by our surrounding influences and primarily the thoughts we have. I don't see how learning about my ancestors could give me a sense of self, other than a sense of their selfs, which to me is the same as learning about a person in history class, other than the added interest of knowing that if not for them I would not be here.

Alright, fair enough. It seems you're interested in it, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just not something I am interested in doing, and I don't agree that it's important, just more of a hobby that you might have.

That my man like you said in so many words is a personal choice, it could be a hobby but the reasons why a lot of things have started to happen in a negative way is we have no leaders and no interest in our past........I urge anyone that thinks their past especially if you are black is nothing and has no impact on your thinking or blacks as a collective to go find something to read to bring you into reality...
google these or find the book or readings...related to the two below...

Before the Mayflower
Willie Lynch

find anything on containment as it applies to blacks....
you might rethink your comments, you are only an individual dawg or at least partially by laws and civil rights acts that keep you an individual, without the written laws and constitutional ammendments we would all still be property....your reality of now and all of this crazy utopian thoughts you have about your individualism is due much respect, but it is much disrespect to those that helped you get most of what you are recognizing as reality....your individualism in this country regardless of how much PHD's or education you have will at some point be limited or snuffed in some way you either see or do not, your character, your ancestors and your skin color probably seem separate but unfortunately to the not so color blind your character will never overshadow the latter..thats just the truth .....I urge you to learn from the past we all owe much to our ancestors that only knew Jim Crow and wanted you to be a true individual.....


ill o.g.
classic said:

MAN I dont know what tio your on, But what are humans without history??? Who you are in some part is determined by your history, of course it the big comes down to you as an indiduval, But ur saying that what all the people did before you to get where YOU are at dont matter....

Thats not only crazy, i think thats disrespecful

How can you be a producer and not appericate that,
we do the same damn thing when we dig for records,

Man, you got me twisted. I have much respect for history, in fact I'm a first year history major, lol. But what does learning about my ancestors have anything to do with who I am? Nothing. If I learn that my great great grandfather was a farmer in Wyoming I'm still going to continue to be who I am. If I learn that he was a great industrialist I'm still going to continue to be who I am. If I learn that he was a slave owner I'm still going to continue to be who I am. I recognize the fact that if my great grandmother and father had not met I would not be here, but beyond that, what duty do I have to learn about their lives that can be backed up rationally? I would rather learn about the things that truly have an affect on where we're at today, like the enlightenment and the industrial revolution, or the civil war, and I will show respect and admiration for the people who did things deserving of that admiration, not merely because they were my ancestors. If my ancestors did admirable things, they get respect. If they were slave owners or murderers or bums, they don't. But either way I'm the person I am and have no incentive to discover who they were. If you choose to do that, that's great, but I don't, and that's not disrespectful.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Wow! And do you intend to search deeper... for instance, to see if there are still a lineage of the masters of your ancestor...

If I was you, I would'nt, but I'm just wondering...