Pussy Monster
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 13
CampO said:Lol thats like me I probably got 500 Reason Files with Just 8 Bar loops or a 16 Bar Verse I duno why but after a While I get Bored and I somethin I thought sounded Dope is startin 2 sound Boring and Dull and moretimes I dont come back too shit for that Reason. But with Sampled beats I find it Easier to Finish one in about a Hr to get The First Sequence down and then another 4 or 5 hrs of goin over shit changin things makin new sequences new Drum Patterns an so on
GYEA CAMPO, I'm glad you're feelin me ahaha thats cool though. I'm in the same boat as you are I have like over 300 reason files too most of it arent even finished. Maybe when ever I have time i will go back and finish then, but u kno what? I just hate loading up Reasin files because it takes a lil while to load up. That is one of the reason why I don't bother finishing them files man. I hate loading shit up I'm so god damn impatient HAHAH.