I haven't done it yet, but after going through MPC and Ultrabeat tutorials, the Ultrabeat synth sampler can do almost everything the MPC can. So i am trying to convert over to doing things exclusively in Logic and using a controller to trigger samples.
But there is something about using the MPC that seems to give you an edge over software for sampling.
1- I pull vinyl into the computer using my audio interface and a basic wav editor. Or I chop already converted audio form Vinyl blogs.
2- I use Sound Edit to Chop out breaks and then Recycle to make Rex files to use in Reason but then I take that same chop and export it so it can be MPC ready.
3- Then I use the MPC to arrange a beat using the samples or I use the Dr. Rex or the Redrum module in Reason to arrange a beat.
I am trying to use the Ultrabeat the same way I use the MPC but with the MPC you can quickly load up sounds and have them all quickly available to sequence instead of having to load each sound one at a time into the Ultrabeat sampler.