HIP HOP! what is it to you?


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
afriquedeluxe said:
hey which part of africa you going to, i got some family up in uganda. and when you coming back to europe, we could meet up in london or sumtin.
oh yeah african hiphop is also kind'a kicking off too, check out this site with some mp3s
and this producer from there http://www.stevejean.net

Thats amazing thats where im going!!! Im going to Kampala, Uganda. Im staying with a friend of mine and her familty that i met while i was in london. One the way to and from uganda i have a day layover in london so i may hit all my UK folks up.


The Bastard

Dont Forget Part Of The Reason That Hip Hop Culture Is Packaged And Sold To The Masses Like Its Just Another Product Is Cause Of The Fake Ass Industry Cats That Sold Their Soul For Loot,



ill o.g.
Damn I been so busy I couldn't keep up with this topic since my last post. Basicaly my views are class's views . Any posti would make basicaly echoes his. Ill answer any specific posts dat quoted or was directed @ me later when I have time. But basicaly I wasn't tryna offend any 1 either.


classic said:
Hey what happend to my last post!?!?! i posted another answer to equalites question and its not their anymore?!?! It was their this morining!! All thats left now is a double post that i dident do!?!?! wtf?!?!


Class, I can see Fade has edited it, so perhaps you wrote 2 replies after each other that he probably wanted to merge into one, but by mistake he copied the same message twice.

I would just write it again. I have edited your post to remove the double post.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Hey Tucker,

You got me all messed up because you're always double posting! You're lucky I just don't delete them straight out.... Muwahahahahaaaa.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
previeous short answer

FADE i outta SLICE u for that mistake lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Equality 7-2521 said:
wouldnt that then mean that your view point is not objective?
btw....how do you do multiple quoting?
YEs your exacly right, im not objective but neither is hip hop. Hip hop wasent created on some "we are the word" ideas. It was creatived by innercity minorites that couldent experess themsevles. IT was a refection of their views and ideas

Coperate american got a hold of that formula and marketed it to the rest of the world. Thats why u have hip hop in such wide varitites in other places out side the US. Like i said some ideas in hip hop are universal and thats cool. But i find it hard to belive that people outside that Afro-american innnercity community can relate to some of the issues that are disscused in hip hop today....



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
How can u state that neither hiphpop is objective, hiphop is not a US concensus, but a global one. For the industrial part it's definitly not objective, it's all about nothing, simlpe n easy music ( oke not always but 99% of the time its overrated/hyped) and millions of customers buy into that. It's succes is by the typical US strategy indeed, how to best influence any customer into buying as much of your products, by any means neccesary but as cheap as possible to produce. The cheapest working force delivering the biggest appeal is definitly the black community, they've been exploited since day 1. That's a bad thing but it's been tolerated in some way because a few from the black community will have the chance to get really rich too, but never as rich as the one who exploits him. This music is soo susceptible to such a big fast consuming mass that quality music is a pre. There's only the underdog that appreciate some skills some real diversity but obvioulsy for the aquired tastes only. There so much music better than the crap I hear through the media and half the time there's not a black mc or producer involved, that not be considered a racist remark but to point out that good hiphop has not always to be referenced to black biased hiphop. You know, it really was like that and I wish we'd be back in the days with our toys because it's the trigger to most of us. But these days I have to say that there's a lot more non black mc's that certainly outdo any succesfull afro american in the chart and that the majority of black hiphop in the chart certainly wont tip the old days if we use that for reference. That the difference between now and then besides the fact that those I classify as "better" wont suite the industrial specs to market them. Truth about politics are a big no, a taboe, I mean, think about it... You have 911 and the most succesfull thing I can imagine that would touch people the most was to be some cleverly outraged mc that states how things really are. no you want to hail the services for their loss, which is obviously true, please dont doubt me on that, but it also deflect the current happenings. No, you get a whining bald guy with guitars and depressing music, the new trend in chartland. Just an example how and why there's a logical difference between the 2. Truth doesn't sell and kills a goverment if succesfull, if...

If you take out that part of hiphop, no disrespect here cuz I know its important since its a part of many afro american's identity. But if you take out that part of hiphop you'll be left with everything else hiphop outside the US. I know that aint real to you, but it actualy is for us outside the us. I like to see americans travel a lot in hoping they'll see there's really more than their perspectives. Gaining perspective on all cases to me is progression, that hiphop to me, the bare naked truth and its a bitch, but it's real, it's human, humans relate.

Just as simple as that, all that and big bag o chips with the dip.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
hip hop is my chosen career path....... because it is what i love to create. as far as lifestyle... i wouldnt say its a "way of life" for me.

DJ Reflex

Turntablist, Producer
ill o.g.
dam i go to london top see madonna erm... (overlook that!) and cum bak to this! i have to agree entirely with Formant


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Formant we are just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.

I do agree with alot of stuff your saying. BUt i have to stand by the fact that many issues in hip hop culture cannot be understood fully by someone who is living outside an black urban environment.

Now I will agree with you that a lot of hip hop today is manufactured by old white dudes in suits . But that’s with anything in America if u wanna get technical about it. Hip hop music is being pimped by the system. But honestly that’s nothing new, that’s been going on for ages with black music and culture.

I am one of the few americnas that was able to travel and I have seen the effect that the global hip hop culture has had. And im not takin anything away from u guys. There are always going to be univerial ideas that we can all agree upon. I just feel that a lot of the content is being taken without context.

I feel that there will always be and "exapanding" effect with hip hop. Meaning that things will start in the black urban community and branch outward. I dont see things working the other way anytime soon.

Basically no amount of discussing or long ass threads is change either of our outlooks LOL!!!
