cubase is mos def way more elaborate for doing the mix of your melodies but if a person doesn't have all the time to figure out what everything does, you might sound worse in the end. flstudio is great for beginners I think and has a broad range of stuff that you can get familiar with in a "newbie" type setting, and I also think that cubase or nuendo for that matter can be an excellent next step... It all depends on the person who makes the music really... also, to use cubase, you need an excellent soundcard ($300+) and a good keyboard plus knowledge of how to smack the keys just right, cuz the midi editor in cubase will have your head spinnin with it's extreme amount of options.
think about where you are first of all, are you really quite new? try flstudio, if you've been in the game awhile and want to take the next step to more professional sounding stuff, go cubase. I never liked logic, I played with it for awhile, but just didn't like the layout, cubase is easier/more powerful for me anyways.