damn man, you are a young buck, which is cool cuz by the time yur my age u should be sum kinda super producer. i went to a vocational high school so some of the regular shit that happened to freshman was gettin thrown in the shop sink,gettin the fringes on ripped pants set on fire when you wernt lookin. wwf style beatdowns when u go to take a piss. we played a game on the school bus called red light,a person would start running from the front of the bus all the way up the aisle and theyd have to touch the ''red light'' that at the back of the bus.the fun part of the game is why the person ran down the aisle everybody would be swingin on you and kicking the shit out of you. the freshman that didnt play were branded bitch not tryin to scare u that shit was all in good fun and not done in seriousness. the good thing about high school is you can make mad loot sellin bootleg cds and drugs. i remember i made 100 bucks off eminems first cd. 100 bills was like mad loot for me then.and by the time your in 11th grade youll be gettin freshman pussy no matter how much of an ugly bastard you are. damn,i wanna go back