How do you get your OS for free?
is it kosher to post it?
from my digital life forum.
you get the official win 7 iso (retail and other specific ones. i think enterprise is more problems than it's worth )download for microsoft, making sure the hashtag (or whatever it's called) is correct and authentic. and you use a either a slip key or a loader (which i used. it was a lot easier).
you just have to make sure you have the right files for your mobo so you don't get a expired notice. all the stuff you need and the detailed instructions are at the site. it's pretty easy, even if i make it sound more difficult than it is.
added bonus, there's a file that allows you to turn any version of win 7 to an all-in-one version (for both the x86 and x64 release) meaning if you have the home premium you can unlock the other versions (pro, ultimate, etc). because you use it on your burnt iso i believe it also works on any retail (bought or downloaded).
using an untouched version from microsoft and using something like a loader, as opposed to those stripped down ones or the 'special' versions on the net, keeps you safe, allows you to know what's there and avoid issues.
i have no issues with updates but the site also provides info on any potential update issues some may get, especially when MS tries to battle piracy.