Good Bassline....

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The question that i have is how do you get a good bassline in Fruity Loops, i mean mess around with FL but i have a MPC1000, i was just wondering how do you cats get a good basline in Fruity Loops, what steps do you take in doing that?

that kid

Keep Diggin'
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
i fuck with the pitch and sometimes layer it under a kick or something use the piano roll- i still have a hard time doin basslines also. my ear ain't trained yet- that kid


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Well first of all you need some good bass.... If you don't have a good bass then you ain't gunna be able to come up with a good bassline... Play around with your keyboard keys... First you have to enable your keyboard (the one you type with) as a controller... Then you just press the letters and mess with the bass...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
play your bass line to ride the kick track. thats about the only advice i can give....

not to be a dick, but what you are asking is impossible to give you. you may as well be saying,

"how do you make a dope beat"

well, the thing is... you have to play. you have to practice, you have to learn and if you cant..... i dont know what to say, you just have to play with it till you get something you like.

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
I like BooBass, named after boobs and ass... just right click on a channel in your step sequencer and select boobass its the best bass in standard flstudio i think...

as far as bass goes...

use the lowest note in whatever chord youre using... that will usually be your main bass note

if youre working with a sample i would recommend that you hit different keys and adjust the pitch until you find the bass that goes with the other notes... you will kno it when u hear it...

experiment travelling between octaves using the same note...

throw some other notes in there to funk it up...

paraphrasing cold truth... only u know how to make the music that u wanna hear... keep at it... also... most producers have the ability to listen to pieces of music mentally isolating each instrument... so listen to the music you like, turn up the bass and try to understand how their bassline would look in the piano roll... trial and error......

finally, i recommend that you smoke blunts... seriously... so many reasons especially for music.....

good luck...


ill o.g.
It jus comes natural to me now it will take time, try using the boobass its pretty good.

Pharaoh Lite

ill o.g.
benny beatz said:
listen to pieces of music, mentally isolating each instrument...

this is something i was doing a long time before i started producing music. it has helped me enormously.

Frankie, your question has obviously been interpreted in two very different ways. you really need to be more specific with the wording of your question.

everyone 'hears' music, but very few people actually 'listen' to music. actually listening and concentrating on individual elements in a song. this is something you shoud try, even if its not what your question was aiming for. listen to some of your favourite songs with a set of head phones, this way you will be able to create a better visualisation in your mind of the sound you are trying to isolate. in your case it will be the bass. isolate the bassline in your mind, concentrate on it and try to ignore everything else that is going on in the song, particularly the singer or rapper. just listening like this will help enormously to understand where and how notes and sounds change, and how they fit into an overall track.

my advice on fruityloops is: your not going to find too many high quality bass "sounds" in a standard/stock version of Fruityloops straight out of the box. judging by the nature of your question, 'equalizing' and 'effecting' any of the existing preset bass sounds, productively, is probably beyond your capabilities, at this stage...but this is where you can learn a lot..

the best thing to do is muck around with the 'boobass' sound that a few people have mentioned. play around with all the knobs, dials, switches, buttons and anything else you can press, push, turn, twist or slide, with the mouse or keybaord. never mind how complex it all looks or how crowded the screen gets, its not like you can break the program.

the idea of this is to experiment and explore the program. eventually you will stumble across effects that you like and you will get to understand how certain knobs and buttons affect a sound. but also try and read up on some of the technical terms or labels that on or below the knobs in fruityloops plugins & instruments. find out what they mean. look them up on the net, there will lots of resources for this kind of info.