Friday the 13th beat


Battle Points: 6
One of my first attempts at cutting my own sample and making it into a beat any feedback is helpful


Battle Points: 61
Lots of atmosphere in here. I like the metallic sounding hits with delay.

I may be crazy, but that bass is a BIT too loud. May be worth doubling it so that way you get the weight and rumble of a sub bass, but something with a mid range tone so you get the harmonic quality of it too.

The only element I think needs to be changed is the pad sounding chops. They're a bit flat and maybe a bit dissonant. They do serve to add ambience and atmosphere, but maybe a little lower in the mix with a greek wash - possibly sidechained to give some pump could bring that ambience out a bit more.

Cool beat, unique and experimental.

Dusty B

Battle Points: 75
One of my first attempts at cutting my own sample and making it into a beat any feedback is helpful

It sounds a bit off to me, something with the cha cha and drums when it breaks down. I like the drums and melody independently, but to my ears they don't seem to be jazzing well. I like the vibe though - keep at it. My fav part is when the bigger kick alongside the hat/crash come in, adds some nice energy and can see that helping to kick off bars in an aggressive way. Keep tinkering!


Battle Points: 6
It sounds a bit off to me, something with the cha cha and drums when it breaks down. I like the drums and melody independently, but to my ears they don't seem to be jazzing well. I like the vibe though - keep at it. My fav part is when the bigger kick alongside the hat/crash come in, adds some nice energy and can see that helping to kick off bars in an aggressive way. Keep tinkering!
I like offbeat rythyms sometimes but wasn't intentionally I broke it down from the movies theme song which is not on a steady beat at all


Disservice With a Smile
Battle Points: 58
Definitely agree about the bass overpowering everything else. Having a thick bass is great and all, but the other elements shouldn't be fighting a losing battle for presence over it. Particularly the kick drum, basically only hints at its existence in the upper end of its frequency range and is definitely fighting with the bass more than it should. Sidechain compressing it with the bass might help, as well as slotting the bass into the mix a little better, which I think is the major culprit here. As for the chop, i like the dissonant horror vibe it has, but in all reality its more of an ambience than a melody. I could see it being difficult to work with being that usually horror movies use dissonance to create tension.

Overall I don't dislike it. Creative use of drums to fit the vibe, but it needs some polish, and some more variation to it.


Battle Points: 6
I've only been seriously mixing for a few moths so I appreciate the advice I'm definitely gonna work on this one again it has potential