Fl9 !

  • warzone (jan 14-18) signup begins in...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.

Key new features and changes

Over 370 additions, changes & bugfixes featuring:

FL Studio

Sidechaining - The FL Studio Mixer 'Track Send' now has an additional 'Sidechain' mode to support multiple-input mixer plugins.

Multi-core CPU (Hyperthreading) - Improved multithreaded generator & added multithreaded effects processing.

Multiple controllers - Can now control multiple independent instrument channels, assigned by MIDI number.

New volatile linking feature.

Wrapper - Aligned tick lengths checkbox for greater plugin compatibility.


well thats just one of the few, there's some more instruments etc but the biggest change is the engine... i cant say how much different it turns out since i never had any issues running FL before anyway lol


ill o.g.
good looks...bout to dwnld!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
FL 9....Aesthetics....that's it...

Plug ins aren't much to call home about.....

What I DO like is when you minimize it, you can still see what project is loaded up without maximizing it.


ill o.g.
FL9 - nice looks, same issues

I love FL Studio, there is no other tool in my arsenal that I feel is as versatile and user friendly... plus 9 looks freakin' awesome! (the new play list is sick)
But as a long time user of FL, I find that it still has a lot of room for improvement... for example, i've always wondered why FL has issues working at 48khz instead of 44khz... also, everytime i bounce a mix it comes out with small discrepancies even using the highest interpolation and quality settings and setting all the VSTIs to HQ/render notify... I've become used to bouncing all the channels separately and doing my final mixdowns in Pro Tools just to ease my own pickiness... plus having a visual of the waveforms always helps and the sound engine in Pro Tools is way better...
Regardless, I've produced beats in Reason, Logic and Cubase and never feel as comfortable as I do with FL... it is definitely "the fastest way from my brain to my speakers"...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
FL 9....Aesthetics....that's it...

Plug ins aren't much to call home about.....

What I DO like is when you minimize it, you can still see what project is loaded up without maximizing it.

you're missing the point too hehe

flex tool...

aside from that, there was nothing wrong with plugins anyway

@ para, im pretty much the same here though logic is the main thing for me, fl is my sketchbook. I wouldnt bother to much about 48kHz though.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
lolz I never liked the native synths in FL, the only concern i have with FL is the wa to abuse samples. I do like slicer/slicex but it has been replaced by Logic's flex tool more and more often hehe. I still think the best feature in fl eversince has simply been the audio channel itself and its properties. The only updates that matter in that case is the engine itself like FL9 has now


ill o.g.
Midi Rescan Works now.

Made the snapping more functional.

new De-clicking features for time stretching

Some Playlist Extras

IMO its FL8 haul over. I just bought it and I'm kind of disappointed as they still haven't fixed the things I've been looking forward to. although it was cheap to upgrade.