Fl Studio Quantize Help

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Hey guys whats up. I have a question about quantizing in fruityloops studio. Is there a way that you can quantize like you can in cubase?? Like if your doing your drums for example you would have ur quantize set to what you want it.Say for example you have it set at 16 and snap to bar. Then all you have to do is click the aq button and when u play your drums they automatically get quantized. I aint to sure on how to do this in fruityloops and I didnt see it in the manual. What I been doing is just programming my drums and then opening em up in the piano roll and messing with the quantize groove templates in there. It seems like you would be able to quantize in fruity just like you can in cubase. Am I missing something. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it very much.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
i dont see what your actual problem is, you can play your drums and quantize them afterwards...


Quantize Problem

I was just wondering if fruity has auto quantize like cubase. I know I can play my drums and then quantize them after. I was just wondering if theres a way I could se the quantize before hand and have it snap to that. But I guess thats what the snap to grid is for.


ill o.g.
does FL have auto quantize? No. does FL have an input quantize? No. that is the bugger thing about FLs quantize. you have to do it after youve recorded. i think youl find the quantize templates suck too so learn to use the quantize controls (sensitivity etc).


ill o.g.
When I tried out the Fruity Loops 3 demo the piano roll was set so that clicking in there would automatically snap the sound to the grid box I clicked in (same with the playlist).

I've now copped FLStudio 5 XXL and when I click in piano roll the sound does not snap to the grid box like in version 3, but remains exactly where I clicked. So if I'm putting down drum tracks I have to place all the kicks roughly and then quantise. Then do the same with the snare etc.

Is this what you're talking about or is this something that can be solved by simply tweaking some option or something? I've checked the manual and can't see anything about this.



does this help?

"To record real-time MIDI performances direct to the Piano Roll, all you have to do is select the MIDI Out generator and then click the Record and Start buttons in the transport bar. Switching on the metronome (the icon in the toolbar looks more like a magic wand to me) and selecting "none" as the SNAP value will also be useful in most cases.

You may prefer to set SNAP to Step when recording, as this will snap the start of each note to a 16th-note grid. However, it will also snap the end of each note to the grid, which I personally don't care for. I prefer to record without snap. I then go into the Piano Roll, and from its menu I select Tools -> Quantize (or hit Alt-Q) and make sure Leave Durations is selected in the Quantize dialog box"

from http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/2005/04/13/fl_studio2.html