Shit that metaverse will fuck people up. They will come home from work, plug into that shit and live lives 'better' than their current reality. Bad enough with parents failing their kids as parents now let alone when they ust slam some shit dinner down and say mum / dad is popping into metaverse for an hour or two, DO NOT DISTURB!
As if we aren't already alienated from each other, people feel nervous in group settings, they dont make conversations or 'friends', they pull their phones out focus elsewhere.
The further people get stuck in virtual lives the more their physical body will deteriorate through lack of exercise.
Shit man, growing up with an amstrad cpc 464 where you would put the tape in, go shopping and come back to turn it over before the game was loaded to see the type of crazy gaming worlds people can explore now is one thing but fuck we still got out and about on foot or bikes all day.