Dr. Dre synth alert!!!


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

There's a new Coors commercial where some rapper guy is on a tour bus, they're cruising around in some fields, and they pick up Dr. Dre who is hitchhiking....

If you look closely, you will see that one of the synths on the bus is none other than a Yamaha Motif!!

Take care,



IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

I think it is...maybe it is part of a series? In the one I saw, they're driving through what looks like rows of corn, like in the middle of Iowa. I only paid attention to the commercial because I saw the little studio in the bus, next time I see it I'll pay more attention.

Take care,



IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

If you do a search for 'Dr. Dre' and 'Coors Light' on the net, you will come across sites from which you can download mpg copies of the first commercial Dre did on an airplane with an MPC!!

Take care,



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I've seen the other one where Dre's on a plane at night sitting in the back row with headphones on, banging away on the MPC and the stewardess brings him a Coors. I haven't seen this one yet, I guess it is a series.


Cruising for the commercial on the bus, I stumbled over this...good read!


The late comedian/prophet, Bill Hicks, said, "You do a commercial, you're off the artistic ladder...forever!!!" A true statement from a man who only knew truth. The latest & perhaps saddest victim of this is Dr. Dre. The rap pioneer & renowned producer is on a commercial I saw earlier this evening.

It takes place in an airplane, most of the passengers are asleep while a sexy stewardess takes an empty glass to the rear of the plane. There sits Dre, awake amidst the sleeping passengers, toiling away at his music. On his table sits a can of Coors Light.

Some of you may be thinking, "Rick. What's the big deal? People need to make a living. Why do you care that Dr. Dre is in a Coors Light commercial?" Because Dre should know better. Coors Light is a sponsor of the PMRC, Parents Music Resource Center, a group of senators' wives who, if the had it their way, wouldn't allow rappers like Dre & many others to create the music that they do. Despite what their pamphlets say, they are censors.

The PMRC is responsible for those "Parental Advisory" stickers which make it difficult in some parts of the country for people to get the albums they want. They are making life suck for music fans & have been doing so for decades. By doing a commercial for Coors Light, Dr. Dre is possibly making more money for Coors. In turn Coors gives more money to the PMRC. So Dre is an inadvertent & possibly unknowing spokesman for the PMRC. Shame on you, Dre.

Could've gone into business & ranted & believed that god was concerned."

Taken from Rick's Rant of Deansplanet.com


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

In Dre's defense, I believe that sometimes those stickers actually sell albums. Do you guys remember all the hype back in the late 80's-early 90's when the whole PMRC thing started? Artists like NWA and Ice T got a WHOLE bunch of free publicity because of their exposure on TV!

It's sort of dead now, I don't know of many people who even pay attention to those stickers. Except maybe WalMart.



Sure, those stickers probably increased sales back then but these Senator's wives are probably also responsible for artists introducing clean and dirty versions of their album and the whole deal is, in my opinion, still going against the right to freedom of speech/expression (or whatever its called)...


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

It hasn't taken away anyone's freedom, they don't prevent artists from saying what they want or studios from releasing the albums.

It's just a warning saying that some of the content may be objectionable. Some stores here will ask for ID if you try to buy anything with the stickers to make sure that you're 18, but as far as I know there aren't any laws against selling such albums to minors, it's just store policy.

It's like the ratings sytems that put PG or R (or 15 or 18 in England) on videos , it's just there to let you know.

I agree, it's a little silly and it only draws attention to the content, but in no way infinges on anyone's right to free speech.

Take care,



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Off topic! Hey isn't this supposed to be about the Yamaha Motif???


  • motif.gif
    23.5 KB · Views: 372


Isn't it nice that we've got so much to say that we go off topic and explore other parts of the subject...? In fact, I think the site should be called exactly that "Off Topic - The Home For Peope Who Babble On & On & On & On"

F.x. I wrote this message with one hand cause I'm an idiot and cut myself in the hand with a knife whilst actually trying to cut thin cardboard for putting on my floor when painting...anybody wanna talk about that...? :)



Nah, of course not...:blush: but silicon tits are fake...which goes back to the start of the sentence..."fakin' the funk"...first word being the key word :D


ill o.g.
Yamaha probably paid Dre to have their motif in the commercial. Companies always give out free gear to artists as a means of advertisement. Check out yamaha's Website. I'm not saying he doesn't use it, he probably does.