me personally i hate that shit... i enjoy the process of the producer and the artists working together in person to create a concept and vision for the song. To me, thats the only way that the song can come out right. I have done work over the net that came out hot, but still not the way i envisioned it. I could not imagine putting togther this smash project with class over the net. the shit just wouldnt have worked. Anybody else feel the same way? Im often hesitant to do work with people over the net. Some people i know come official evrytime so i dont worry about that .. but for the most part i hate doing net collabs. Is evrybody like that or is it just me? ....Like somebody has to be MAD professional and talented for me to work for them over the net. Like if ur working with an artist over the net they gotta be "there" already whereas if u are working in person u have a better chance of turning something good into great, or something great into something classic...etc.. Thoughts?